Luka and Adrien

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Adrien stopped staring at Luka and walked over to Marinette. Luka was still there staring then he turned around and went to his classes.

"What was that all about Babe? Marinette asked as Adrien was walking her to her next class.

"Nothing Princess." They kept walking.

Marinette stopped walking and turned Adrien around. "That was clearly not nothing."

"Don't worry about it Mari." He said kissing her on the cheek.

"What do you always say to me? Oh yeah, It's my job to worry about you." She said giving Adrien a peck in the cheek. "See you after class." She walked off into her class. She wondered why Adrien didn't trust Luka. I mean he was just a FRIEND to Marinette.

Adrien knew what just a FRIEND could lead to. And didn't have the right gut feeling whenever he saw Luka.

Adrien started walking to his own class. After that class it would be time for lunch and he could see his Lady again.

After Class

The bell rang and Adrien ran all the way across the building to get to Marinette. Once he got there's Marinette just blinked at him. This was the first time he had done this. Was it because of Luka? Marinette wondered. And he was right to think Luka would be there because he was.

"Hey Mari" Luka said to Marinette. "How is the baby doing?" He started to walk up to her. This caused Adrien to lunge in between Marinette and Luka making it very obvious Adrien didn't like him.

"Mari do you mind going to go get some lunch with Alya?" Adrien said looking at Marinette. "Please Princess?" Adrien turned back around.

Alya was just down the hall so it would be easy to get to her. "Yeah I'll go." Marinette said squeezing Adrien's hand. As soon as she left it was like Adrien and Luka had a stare off.

"I know what your doing Luka." Adrien was the first to interrupt the silence.

"I'm not doing anything but simply trying to talk to a friend." Luka smiled really big. Luka was usually nice to Adrien and so was Adrien back to Luka. The thing that made Adrien not like Luka was because he was kind of similar to Adrien. He was outgoing, romantic, and so caring. How could Marinette not fall for him?

"Ok but can you just not try anything slick?" Adrien said and Luka's eyes grew wide. "The lady's pregnant and really emotional." Adrien said rolling his eyes back. "If anything happens to her you answer to me Luka." Adrien said.

Then Luka burst into laughter. Adrien was still standing there arms crossed. Luka looked at him and stopped laughing. "Wait your serious?" Luka asked Adrien.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Adrien replied back. He then turned around and walked away going to find Marinette. Hopefully she was eating by now. Once he found her he walked behind her and brushed her back.

This made Marinette jump and turn around. She turned right back to her food which consisted of hard cheese, peanut butter, and blueberries. Adrien looked at it and almost hurled. "Is that really what your craving?" Adrien said and giggled.

"Yeah but I think it's a one time thingy." She giggled back and started to eat again. Alya and Nino were sitting across from them. They talked and then it was time to get to there next class. The rest of the day flew by and Luka had not bothered Marinette for that time. Once Marinette and Adrien got home she was just full of questions.

"What did you say to Luka?" Marinette asked looking into Adrien's eyes.

A long silence went by, "nothing princess." He said kissing her hand. "We just had a bro talk." He let out a giggle.

"Oh." She giggled back. They were still looking into each other's eyes. Marinette went up and pulled Adrien to there bedroom. Once they were there she went up and started nibbling in his neck.

"What's this for Princess?" He was confused because she usually was just tired and went to sleep right when they got home.

"Nothing Kitty, just me loving you." She said kissing his neck. He moaned for a quick second then picked her up. Her legs wrapped around him and gave in. He sat down on the bed and started to kiss her.

"I love you to." He said to her.

"I love you more." Marinette paused and rubbed her stomach. "Whooo." She said getting your and backing away. Her sight was getting dizzy. Her hair was down that day and started to get in her eyes making it worse.

"You ok?" Adrien went to Marinette's side an and held her up straight.

"I just think I need to lay down real quick." She said rubbing her stomach. It was unusual for her to just feel dizzy. Did she not eat enough today. She did skip her snack because she was worried about Adrien. And she did eat most of her lunch but it was like bite sized cheese, and a spoon of peanut butter.

"Here let me help you." Adrien said getting her up to lay down.

Marinette wasn't hungry but knew that that must have been the problem, along with her not drinking enough water. She didn't want Adrien to worry though. "I'm fine." She got back up and started begin to walk to the kitchen.

"Marinette your not fine, what do you need?" Adrien said quickly and laid her down in the bed. It was obvious she wasn't fine because she just kept leaning back and forth.

"Ummm, I think I just need some food-food, and water." Marinette said closing her eyes.

"Wait like something besides peanut butter and blueberries?" Adrien said lifting her chin up. She nodded. "Ok I'll be right back." He went into the kitchen and made her a quick meal, it consisted of soup, a slice of bread, and some water and juice. He knew he hadn't seen her drink water today so that could've been the problem. Maybe he was to focused on Luka to notice. He ran to her room to give her the food.

"Marinette?" He asked her and her eyes shot open. "Please eat?" He put the plate on the night stand.

"Mmh." She took the fork and started to eat it. She ate it pretty quick. That meant she was really hungry. When she was done she said. "Thanks hun, I'm going to take a nap." Adrien nodded.

Marinette knew in the back of her mind she needed to talk to her mom about that trip with the school. She would be 7 months pregnant around that time so it should be ok to go. She quickly fell asleep dreaming about it.

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