Pregnancy Hormones

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Before we start I want u guys to read another book I wrote Miraculously Pregnant by a werewolf you won't regret it!

Adrien just blurted our the thing that happened yesterday.

Marinette just sat there. Adrien knew what was about to happen. He regretted telling her in the morning when her emotions were about to spiral.

"Adrien can you just wait outside the door." Marinette said in the sweetest way possible.

Plagg and tikki just looked at him.

"Please just wait outside the door for a second, I need a minute." She pointed to the door taking a deep breath.

"Are you ok?" Adrien asked concerned. He was suprised on how she was taking it.

"Yeah I'm ok babe, just do you mind going to get me the peanut butter?" She looked at his green eyes.

"Yeah I'll go get it for you." Adrien walked out of the room.

Marinette knew he was going to walk out of the room. So she slowly krept behind him. The second he stepped into the living room which was connected to the kitchen she closed the door and locked it.

Adrien turned around, the slamming of the door scared him. He ran to it. "Marinette?!"

Marinette was just deep in thought. "Go away Adrien!" She said with a small voice.

"Bugaboo please open the door." Adrien said. Marinette smiled and started to think about everything. Adrien said to himself, "I can't believe I'm being locked out of my own room."

Then Marinette's voice became a little more Angry. "I said go away Adrien!" She knew Adrien was there. "Please just leave me alone." And that's when Adrien knew that she was having an emotional attach. This was all his fault. All her stress was caused by him. All her crying was cause by him. Her being pregnant was caused by him. He felt bad, really bad, and he let out a few tears himself.

"Princess?" He sobbed her name. "I'm so sorry." He sat down and hanging by the door.

Marinette heard him do this.

Adrien just continued to lay sobbing there. He was so distracted and just felt the need to see her. She was his life, and he needed her. He turned to the door wishing it would open. Then somehow it did. And his lady's eye was wide open looking at him.

She shuffled out of the bed and slowly got down to Adrien's level. "I love you Adrien." She wiped one of his tears off. "You did nothing wrong, I trust you." She pushed his chin up so she could look into his eye. "I just needed to think real quick." Adrien just looked at Marinette and wiped away his own tears.

"I'm sorry Marinette, Iv'e been nothing but bad luck to you." Marinette's mouth dropped open.

"Why would you think that Adrien?" She said with a puzzled look.

"Everything that has ever hurt you is my fault." He put his head back down.

"Cheers me up, check. Makes me happy, check. Is going to be a great dad, check. I love him, check. Has the most amazing green eyes ever seen? Mmm Doubke check. Has helped me through everything, check." She pushed his chin up.

"What are you doing My'Lady" he couldn't help but smile.

"I'm simply just checking everything you have done for me." Marinette had the biggest smile. Adrien just went in for the hug.

"Woaaahh!" She pulled back and felt her stomach.

"What?" Adrien gasped. "Is something wrong? are you ok?"

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