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Marinette's POV

When we got back to the apartment door, I noticed someone just standing there. It was... Kagami? I didn't know what to think so I just held onto Adrien's arm. When I turned I could tell that he was also surprised. Kagami was also just starting at us. It was like she expected us. (Author's note: Kagami was Adrien's past girlfriend!! But now there Ex'es!!) Adrien stood infront of getting in between me and her.

"Hey Kagami?" Adrien said with Certainty. "What are you doing here?"

She looked up at Adrien. "Can I talk to you in private?" She said walking towards us.

Kagami didn't go to the same school as us, so it was weird seeing her after a while. I knew she hated me because I might have been the reason they stopped talking to each other.

"I'm sorry Marinette." He turned around and looked at me. " Can I talk with Kagami?" He kissed my forehead.

I didn't know how to respond, my eyes were just wide open. "S-s-sure." I grabbed the keys from him and walked inside.

Adrien's POV

I needed to make sure Marinette got out of this. It was only really between me and Kagami. I know that Kagami now hates Marinette. So this was the moment to really eliminate the tension.

"What did you need to tell me Kagami?" I asked her making sure we kept a good distance. If anything she would try and pull some sneaky stuff. She was the kind of person that was just straight forward and kind of cocky.

"When did you get so protective of Marinette?" She asked. I guess she didn't know that she was pregnant and that she was my girlfriend.

"Why are you here Kagami?" I asked her trying to get my point across.

"I'm here because the guy that was supposed to love me is in love with some slutty girl." I don't know how she said that so calmly and straight forward, but she did.

"Woah, Kagami, I don't appreciate you calling Marinette anything along the lines of that word." Why was she calling her this word.

"You didn't think I knew, she's pregnant, It's kind of obvious just looking at her, your even living under the same roof." She said starting to yell.

"What does this have to do with you, why are you concerned?" She was starting to get closer to me. And I started to back away.

"Because I could treat you differently Adrien. We were made for each other!" She definitely yelled that.

"Kagami, I'm not made for anyone!" She just stopped. "But the only reason your here is to try and get me back, and honestly I'm glad we broke up." I started to yell. I knew I needed to calm down, one for. Marinette's sake and because we were in the hallway so many other people could hear us.

Kagami stopped in her tracks after I said that.

"I love Marinette, and I would give anything to be with her." I said calmly, just thinking about her calmed me down. "So please just go." I said walking towards her so I could get to my door.

She pulled me over to her and kissed me. I was surprised but pushed away. This wasn't Kagami, it was jealousy. "Did that remind you of the things we had?" She said whispering in my ear.

"That reminded me of the things I hated." I said back to her walking away. She kissed me? SHE KISSED ME? SHE KISSED ME? How was I going to tell Marinette?

Marinette's POV

I went to the door and heard every thing that happened. The only part I didn't get was there moment of silence (Author's note: she didn't hear the kiss!) when I heard Adrien come to the furry I scurried over to the room and tripped. Of course I tripped as soon as he walked in.

The Best Mistake Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora