Chapter 41: Thank you @Rong Xu, thank you for your Ling Xiao.

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Ever since the marketing account released the post, the "Black Clouds" crew had been searching for the information leaker. Not only the crew, Luo Zhentao also worked with Huaxia Entertainment's PR department to attentively investigate this matter.

However, "Entertainment Circle's Gossip King"'s attitude had already infuriated Director Liang till he was half dead. Luo Zhentao couldn't get any information out of them either. Now that he heard that Rong Xu actually had a guess to who the buyer of the water army was, Luo Zhentao immediately rushed over to Rong Xu's room.

When he heard the name, Luo Zhentao was shocked: "How's that possible?! Xiao Xu, Han Yanghao's the one who leaked the crew's information out? He has nothing to do with "Black Clouds", how did he know you were the lead actor? And for what ever reason does he even want to go against you and the crew on this matter, what good does this do him?"

Rong Xu handed a cup of hot water over to Luo Zhentao. Currently, he had already changed into some comfortable pajamas and was sitting on the sofa, explaining in a cool tone: "Luo ge, I did not say that Han Yanghao is the leaker. My meaning was, the water army should have been bought by him."

Luo Zhentao was at a loss.

Rong Xu patiently analyzed the situation: "Did you not find what the word most frequently mentioned by the water army was? It's "Ambush". "Vie for Supremacy" just had its finale this evening. Although my role ended long ago, the finale played back scenes from the entire series. I also appeared in many scenes there. If one really wanted to hype the blackening on me at this time, why not mention "Vie for Supremacy" that's popular right now but keep on saying "Ambush" instead?

Luo Zhentao was stunned at first but then quickly responded: "That's true, the water army is always mentioning "Ambush"."

Speaking of which, he still has to thank his fans for compiling the "blackspots' name list".

Rong Xu's fans found almost all of the water army accounts and recorded their comments. It was because of that spreadsheet that Rong Xu could easily look through the water army's posts and discover that ninety out of a hundred posts mentioned "Ambush" and even exaggeratedly bragged about how magnificently Rong Xu performed in it.

If they really wanted to blacken him, then they should've stayed close to relevant news. Rong Xu's most popular work right now was "Vie for Supremacy". "Ambush" had already finished over a month ago. Although it was still popular, its heat had already slowly subsided and was far from "Vie for Supremacy"'s level.

Who was it that would neglect the essentials and instead attend to the trifles, adamantly insisting on mentioning "Ambush"?

No matter how one thought about it, it should be someone related to "Ambush".

If it's like this, then it could only be was Han Yanghao.

When they were filming "Ambush", there was a lot of friction between the two to the point that even the whole "Ambush" crew fell out with Han Yanghao. Although no one exposed this kind of thing outside, everyone was well aware of it in their hearts.

How much did Han Yanghao hate Rong Xu? Based on his narrow mind, he definitely hated him to the bones and wished that Rong Xu would be angered to death.

The answer Rong Xu gave was reasonable, and there was a huge possibility it was true as well, but there was no evidence.

Although Luo Zhentao felt that the suspicions on Han Yanghao were great, there was still a very critical problem: "Han Yanghao shouldn't have known that you were "Black Clouds"'s lead actor." Luo Zhentao solemnly continued: "Xiao Xu, whether it's him or not, I will start observing the movements on his side, and we will carefully check over it again."

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