Chapter 5: Everyone Loves Wanqi Yao

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Translator: Vian

Editor: Shem

Despite the difference in history, there were always some similarities.

While this Hengdian and the Hengdian in Movie and Television City that Rong Xu often went to film in his last life was indeed the same place, but after he entered the city, Rong Xu couldn't help but be surprised at all the abundant and various filming facilities.

The more diverse the filming venues were, the more vast the film and television area. This Movie and Television City was much more prosperous than the one in Rong Xu's last life but it also made it more convenient with the filming for the crew.

This was Rong Xu's first time coming to this M&T City but for the other "Vie for Supremacy" cast, Tang Menglan and Dong Zheng had long been here for filming countless dramas before. Everyone quickly got used to the atmosphere of filming here and the progress quickly advanced by leaps and bounds.

Early in the morning, Rong Xu had already got up a long time ago and took advantage of the still lightening sky to head over to the crew to start getting his makeup done.

Tang Menglan and Dong Zheng both have their own personal makeup artist, but Rong Xu did not have one. He was acting in the first scene today so he had to get up early.

The makeup artist Xu jie lightly applied the foundation to the face gently, making the originally white and smooth skin shine even more when the makeup was done. It looked like white porcelain, reflecting a brilliant gem-like luster with the little pores almost invisible.

Rong Xu has very good skin with thick, long, slender eyelashes, but it doesn't mean that he didn't need make-up.

In front of the high-resolution camera, everyone's shortcomings would be endlessly amplified, causing most of their advantages to be ignored.

If you want to become an actor, unless you go through the hard route and experience hardships at every step as you climb up, having a good appearance was essential. For example, the lens would make a person's face appear much larger, so most of the actors have rather small faces. Small palm size faces were not uncommon.

Half an hour later, the complicated makeup was finally done. At first glance, it would look like Rong Xu didn't have any makeup on but under the camera, his pair of phoenix eyes would appear clearer and more reserved, so people could not help but focus on his eyes first. His face was also made to look more three-dimensional.

Xu jie lamented: "You've already came to Hengdian for six days but still didn't get any pimples. Xiao Xu, you have to take care of yourself ah. Filming is really hard recently and you often have to stay up late for overtime. You can't be like Ye Qiao, who ended up getting a pimple on his forehead."

Just as she said this, Ye Qiao already pushed open the door to the dressing room and hearing this, he could only helplessly laugh: "Xu jie, I also didn't want this."

Ye Qiao's manager quickly helped him sort out his costume then it was Ye Qiao's turn for makeup. At the side, Rong Xu's lip involuntarily hooked up in a hint of a smile when he saw Xu jie's and Ye Qiao's joking around.

When he was about to leave the dressing room, Ye Qiao called out to him: "Rong Xu, we have a scene together in the afternoon, you want to practice?"

Rong Xu lightly smiled and nodded: "Sure."


Once the sky completely lightened, the crew went to work and began filming the first scene.

This scene took place after Wanqi Yao was invited to leave Wang Qiu Pavilion by Xiao Xiang and finally gained Xiao Family army's trust.

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