Soda: Soda had been helping you close up when some scumbag had come in. It'd been dead silent as working with you had been for the past few weeks. Soda wanted to reach out to you. Admit that maybe he'd acted too quickly, and maybe he did care for you and maybe he did like the sound of Mrs. (Y/N) Curtis. You said something about being closed but that was drowned out by the click of a gun. It happened in slow motion. Soda watched frozen as he pulled a gun on you and demanded everything in the cash drawer. With shaking hands, you handed all the bills over. But he decided that wasn't enough. He put the gun to your head and told you to unbutton your blouse. Before you could finish doing it though another customer walked in. Spooked, the gunman grabbed the cash and ran out. The whole time Soda had remained frozen behind the candy counter.

The cops showed up a few minutes later and you still hadn't stopped shaking. In those few moments when the gun had been pointed at you, Soda's whole future flashed before him and suddenly, he couldn't picture a life without you. He wouldn't either he decided. As you gave your statement to the police Soda put his arm around you with the full intent of making you his after you were done. But before you could finish you looked up and started running towards someone. Soda watched as you launched yourself at Steve who pulled you in close. It was only once you were in his arms that you stopped shaking. Steve walked with you back to the cops so you could finish your statement.

"Thanks for keeping her safe," Steve said as he patted Soda on the back.

"When did you two get together?" Soda asked before he could stop himself.

"It's recent but man," Steve paused to look at you. "I think it's real."

Soda dropped you and Steve off later after the cops were all done and as Steve took you inside Soda broke down. He cried because he'd been stupid and let you go, and he hadn't been able to protect you. How pathetic could he be? His heart shattered and he'd lost you to Steve. His best friend, the man he was always supposed to support and be happy for. Soda wasn't sure when his life had turned upside down, but everything was ruined, and he didn't know how to fix it.

Steve: Steve had spent two weeks avoiding you and Soda. The friendship was ruined or so he'd thought. After, a very manly, heart to heart he'd managed to patch things up with Soda. You were a completely different matter and Steve was just happy to have one of his friends back. It was Friday night and Steve and Soda were at the drive-in. It was fixing to be a pretty lame night. Something about you not being there was just wrong. Steve couldn't help but think that maybe the friendship wasn't what he he'd lost out on but something more. Something more important and better.

"You could just call her, you know?" Soda said.

"Call who?" Steve said, pretending he didn't know what Soda was talking about.

"(Y/N)," Soda said feeling frustrated.

"I doubt she'd even talk to me," Steve said kicking the ground.

"Well here's your chance," Soda said as he motioned over to the snack line. You stood in line alone. Steve knew what he had to do. He made his way over to you. You'd just reached the front of the line and were about to order.

"She'll have a medium popcorn with extra butter and a small coke with light ice," Steve said making you turn around. You nodded and turned back. "I still know your order, you know."

"And I know yours. That's what happens when your friends with someone for fourteen years," you said as you watched the clerk get your order together.

"Look, (Y/N)," Steve started but he was interrupted as a man slid up next to you. Steve recognized him as a soc from the other side of town.

"You get the snacks babe?" he asked with a kiss to your temple.

The popcorn and soda were placed on the counter. You turned back and picked them up. As your date paid for the food Steve just stared at you. You, however, refused to meet his gaze.

"Can we talk?" Steve said.

"I..." you started to say but your date interrupted again.

"Come one lovebug, we're gonna miss the movie," he said and slung his arm around you. Steve watched helplessly as you disappeared. All the words he wanted to say were still on his tongue, but he wasn't sure he'd ever get the chance to say them now. And that shattered his world.

Johnny: It was the last day of school. Johnny knew he should be celebrating. He survived another year and was one step closer to graduating. But all he could think about was you. You'd been practically a ghost around the halls, moving silently and seeming to disappear anytime he was around. It was like you weren't even there. Johnny had finally had enough. He needed to talk to you and soon. To tell you the truth. That he'd been wrong. Without you, in his life, he'd been lost. The girl the rose had been meant for was nothing now. She'd been all wrong for him. But you, you were perfect. Johnny couldn't believe he'd been so blind. Johnny was just cleaning out his locker and keeping an eye out for you. He saw you and smiled as you went running down the halls. He thought for a moment that you were running towards him. He opened his arms ready to catch you, but you blew past him and right into the arms of a man at the end of the hall. He was dressed in a military uniform. He caught you with ease.

"I can't believe he's real," a girl besides Johnny said.

"What?" Johnny said.

"Benny. (Y/N)'s boyfriend. He's been in Korea for the past couple months," She replied watching as you two kissed. "They met through some letter exchange program. I honestly didn't think he was real. Especially since she was so caught up on you. But I guess she got lucky. They're like a total romance novel."

"Oh," Johnny said.

"They're pretty cute together," the girl said before shutting her locker. "Guess she moved on."

Johnny almost threw up at her words. He just stood and watched the two of you together. How could he have missed out on you? He steeled himself enough to not cry at school but when he was alone at home the tears flowed freely.

Two-Bit: It'd been a few months since Two had seen you. You just dropped off the face of the planet. Two had been angry at first, upset that you'd taken advantage of him but as time went on Two realized that he was lying to himself and everyone else. He knew he'd kissed you and had initiated the whole thing because he was in love with you. The months without you had been hell and he'd do anything to have you back. Finally, he got the courage to go to your house. He thought that knocking on the door would be the worst part but when he finally did, he found something much worse on the other side.

The man that answered was tall, dark, and handsome. Two was shocked and horrified as you appeared next to him. The small baby bump peeking out from under your shirt sent Two puking off the side of your porch.

"Who is this guy?" the man asked. "Do you know him, (Y/N)?"

"Is it mine?" Two asked as he righted himself.

"No, Two," you said rolling your eyes. "Todd, meet Two. Two meet Todd, the father."

"Oh, I just thought," Two trailed off.

"Look, dude, she moved on," Todd said. "Now can you get off my porch. We have a doctor's appointment to get to."

As Todd shut the door Two wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. All he really knew for sure was that he needed a drink. 

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