How He Asks You Out

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"And the last pair of partners for this semesters final will be Ponyboy and (Y/N)!" Your English teacher announced. "You'll have the rest of the period to start working on your project."

You turned and grinned at Pony. In the few months that you had been living here you and Pony had become best friends. You spent most afternoons together reading and laughing. He grinned back at you.

"I'll meet you after school and we can go over to my house to work on it?" He asked. You nodded. You'd become a kind of staple at the Curtis house. Darry and Soda were practically your brothers as was the rest of the gang. It wasn't long before the bell was ringing and you had to go to your next class.

After school you were walking out of the building over to where Pony was standing with Two and Johnny. They appeared to be having a very animated conversation that had Pony blushing, Johnny grinning, and Two waving his hands around like he was trying to convince Pony of something. However when Two saw you coming over he stopped his motions and just grinned at Pony.

"Don't stop just cause I'm here," You said.

"Come on, (Y/N). Let's get goin' so we can start the project," Pony said. He waved to Two and Johnny. Two shot him a thumbs up before you and Pony started walking away.

"What's up with Two?" You asked. Pony shrugged as you walked and wouldn't look at you. He seemed distracted. Even after you arrived at the Curtis house and started to work on the project he remained off in his own little world. You'd been doing most of the work and you were starting to get frustrated. You'd been asking Pony the same question for five minutes and he still hadn't answered you. Finally you slammed your book shut loudly and began packing up. The clatter seemed to snap Pony out of his daze.

"Where you going, (Y/N)?" he asked panicked all of the sudden.

"You are clearly distracted Pony and I don't appreciate doing this whole project by myself. I'm going to go home. See you tomorrow," You snapped. You turned to leave but Pony caught your wrist and forced you to look at him.

"Wait, don't go," He started. "I didn't mean to be distracted. I've just been thinking about some stuff."

"What kind of stuff? Pony you know you can tell me anything," You said starting to get worried by how nervous Pony was acting.

"Well, it's kind of silly and maybe you'll think this is stupid. It's just Two said I should but I don't know..."

"Spit it out, Pony," You said cutting him off.

"Would you, uh, would you like to maybe, uh, go out sometime?" He stuttered out. You couldn't help but laugh a little bit at him. He was staring at the ground but looked up, hurt, at you.

"That's what's got you all stirred up?" You said. "Pony, I'd love to go out with you."

"Really?" He asked shocked. He couldn't believe you actually said yes. Suddenly you two were leaning in. Your lips were an inch apart when Darry stuck his head and spoke effectively scaring the two of you apart.

"That doesn't look much like studying, Pony," He said, making you both blush.

Dallas had manage to convince you to get out of Two's car and you were now standing with the group of boys watching them all interact. The one called Soda was mildly entertaining but you were still on guard. You weren't sure how to react to these boys; if they could be trusted or not.

"So, (Y/N), how long are you here for?" Dally asked. The groupd for the most part hadn't acknowledged you so when Dally asked the question everyone turned to look at you.

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