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Part I: Chapter Nine
Benjamin Pearce

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She doesn't ask where we are going.

Not when I announced our departure from the castle, bidding everyone farewell. Not as we cross the wet cobblestone in the drive, nor even as I help her into the car. One of the few things I know about my Eliette is that she doesn't like wolves- or at least fears them to some extent. I had our the pack house on lockdown, only a few trusted individuals welcome to her homecoming.

She doesn't ask how long ride will be. 

She looks ridiculously tiny in my large SUV. Perhaps I'll look into getting a car lower to the ground for her. But on second thought- I don't mind lifting her into the seat and buckling her in safely. It pleases my wolf to a slightly embarrassing degree. That slight touch is dangerously tempting, even if it's glove to gloves- because why wouldn't fate put every possible barrier in existence be between us? 

Every so often, I inhale slightly and open my mouth to speak, but can't seem to find the words that seem right. Everything I can think of feels stupid or insensitive... so we drive in thick silence. The only sound being the steady purr of the cars engine and the gravel under our tires. I try my hardest to conceal how often I sneak a glance over at her in my passenger seat.  

But damn, how could I not? 

She looks delectable in the glow of the dash, proving further she looks painfully alluring in any lighting. But I still am doing to keep testing that theory, experiencing her in any and every form, my new calling. 

Her fair hair is pale against the dusk darkened night. She is bathed and clean now. The weariness and dirt from our long travels have been washed away. Her previously frizzed fair is now sleek and shiny, pulled back into some sort of plait I would never notice on anyone else. But on her, it's adorable.  

She tries to hide her face from me by looking out her window, revealing her profile: a dainty nose and slight pout. Her windburned face blushed pink, nearly the color of her pinked lips. She does not say a word, no matter how hard I stare at her slight pout, willing her to let a single word escape. Willing to let any clue to her feeling

"We're here," I break the silence, clearing my throat. If she hears me, she doesn't show it, resolved to silence. Once the car is parked, I wait another split second, half hoping she'll ask where 'here' is. Fully hoping she'll show some interest in anything. But nope. 

"This is home," I announce, pushing open the wooden front door moments later. I step to the side in order to usher her through the threshold. She shuffles in slowly, it doesn't escape me that her hand is slightly shaking at her side. It's warmer in the house than outside, but likely not warm enough for her. Humans get cold easier, I need to research about them more as soon as possible. I make my way to the hearth of the fireplace hurriedly, leaving my boots on to begin the task of starting the fire. This will give her time to adjust without my watchful eyes stalking her. 

"Is it okay if I come in?" I look over my shoulder to find Eliette still in the small entryway, not crossing next few steps forward to join me in the living room. 

"Yes, make yourself comfortable please." I inwardly cringe at my words, of course she isn't comfortable. Nothing about this situation is comfortable for her, I can tell with each agonizing inhale. Despite her veil of calmness, her scent is slightly soured. 

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