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Part I: Chapter Three
Eliette Mercer
Gibbons Pack


"Just up here 'round the corner, Your Majesty," I hear Esmere's clear direction, though I am a good ten feet behind her and mostly hidden behind the fabric of the Lycan's coats. After we set off from the Pack Hall, I had desperately dragged my feet enough for the two Lycan's accompanying the king to take matters into their own hands. Both had taken to either side of me, lifting me by my arms without issue, as if I was no more than a rag doll. My feet barely touched the ground the entire walk.

"Sorry, little Luna. I'm Wells, by the way." The Lycan to my right shoots me a sympathetic smile as we near the Underling Housing.

Though he has shown me kindness, unlike the Lycan on my left, I stay silent. Whether due to anger or fear, I am not sure. The way the two Lycan's pull me along with ease remind me just how easily they can break me- as easy as a twig. The Shifter's in the Middle Kingdom are wild and large. But the Lycan's are even bigger and stronger. They have to be, to survive the harsh tundras of the Northern Mountains.

Our brigade consists of the King, who is leading the way with Esmere. Myself and my strong-armed escorts following behind, with about five Lycan's bringing up the rear. I assume they are part of the Kings guard, the dutiful looks on their faces say as much.

"This is your Underling housing?" I hear a gruff voice in the back of the group grumble, as Wells and the angry looking Lycan set me gently onto to cobblestoned street. In front of us, in all it's glory, is my home. It feels different now than it had this afternoon, though I can't pinpoint how.

How I wish I had missed the pack meeting. How I wish I had claimed ill and bared the consequences that came with it.

"Yes." Esmere replies, holding the rusted red door open for us to enter. I squeeze in where I can manage to fit, each Lycan is so large that they need to enter one by one, crouching down to clear the door frame. The angry looking one waits outside with two others, looking around the sidewalk as if taking surveillance.

"It's small." Wells comments, looking around the foyer of the house. I'd never thought of my home as small. It was large enough to house all of us humans comfortably, with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. There was even a kitchenette and dining area. Watching the way our group fills the main room uncomfortably, I can't help but agree. Everything about Wolves made me feel small- physically and emotionally.

"Humans are small," Esmere snorts in response and wipes her hands on her pants, finally looking to me, almost as if remembering I'm here. "I trust you can lead the way to your quarters?"

I nod, my face turns rosy red and I duck my gaze as I feel everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Will you be needing anything, your majesty?" Esmere asks the King. I haven't peeked at him since we left the Alpha's office and I certainly will not now. I don't hear his answer but assume he shakes his head, as Esmere gives a respectful bow and steps to the side.

"We'll go back North once we're done here." I flinch slightly at the Kings voice, just the tenor of it commands all to silence. His words are final, damning me to a cruel fate. "Wells, I want just you and Axle in your skin with us. The rest of the guard is to run, I want two leading in the front, four on each side, two bringing up the rear."

Run, like run. I don't want to see that. I don't want to hear their bones cracking when they shifted. The noise makes me sick.

I have seen many Wolves over the last few years, but never a Lycan. The stronger your wolf is, the larger it is. The more animal- beast- makes up the creature. That is why the Lycan's lived in the frigid North, strong wolves ran warm.

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