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Today I am supposed to show some new kid around. I hope this is a cool person cause they have all my classes. I walk into the office
"mr.geemoor"i say
"miss cowel"he responds.
"please meet Amanda Gregsen"he says
I look at her she has curly blonde hair, blue eyes, she's wearing booty shorts, and a crop top. Her make up is almost like a clown but I have to be nice.
"hey amanda, I am Bemma"i say kindly
"how did you get the name bemma?"she snorts
"Uhh idk I have two names so i combined them"i say
"so what's your two names?"she asks
"Bailey and emma"
"why two?"
"my mom wanted bailey, my dad wanted emma"i say
"you're confusing"she cackles
I nodd.
mr. geemoor gives me a pleading look.
great a new whore for our school.
We finished decorating her locker and now we are walking to first class.
math with nickelson. My best friend Isabel is in this class. yay!!!
we walk in.
every one stares. I just go and sit by Isabel.
"who's the slut?"she asks
"Amanda, she's such a whore"i whisper
"ok class new student so let's introduce ourselves bemma please introduce everyone"nickelson asks
I get up from my seat rolling my eyes and sighing in frusturation.
"ok, this is Amanda Gregs-"
"no, I can introduce myself, now shoo confusing lady"i walk back to my seat and Isabel is just laughing.
"ok I am Amanda gregsen, I just transferred from Texas, and New York is awesome."
the bell rings and we walk to every class together. She ends up sitting at the popular table already. ughh the slut is so annoying. An announcement over the Pa says something bout me.
"Bemma Cowell please come to the office, bemma Cowell office please"the man says.
I finish my Doritos and make my way to the office eating my apple.
I walk in and see a man, that man turns around and hugs me.
"who are you?"i ask
"hello sweetie, im Simon Cowell your father, to just never met me before"he said.
"im sorry I can't trust you, I would have to ask mom first"
rjng ring
"hey mom"
"yeah this guy wants to take me I guess- no not like kidnap, but like he claims he's my father his id is for sure not fake, and I don't know what to do"
I hand the phone to Simon
"yes... I promise, I can even bring the police to my house so they can supervise...ok..bye"he hangs up and looks at mr.geemoor
"she said that I can take her as long as police supervise."
"ok goodbye Bemma have a good day"
"thanks you too"I say.
we walk out and get in his white Ferrari and drive off.
"so... your my dad?"i ask
"yup"he responds
"can I ask why your mom sounds different over the phone?"he asks
"oh.. well I was adopted by her, as soon as we got to Isabel's she died. So I have been living with them for like 13 years."i respond.
"you should have called me, I would have gotten you"he said.
I just shrug my shoulders.
"Also, the government said that I could have you back, at the time I didn't understand but now I do"he says
"so you are going to live with me"he finishes.
I just turn the music louder.

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