13. Surprises and Questions

Start from the beginning

Worry crept across my face as he mentioned Rick, but I hid it well turning around to face him.

Simon looked back as he walked out, scowling at me as he did so.

'Sorry about all that. I knew you were a goddamn smartypants' he said tiredly, I smiled back at him as he said that.

I didn't know how to bring up his plan for Rick, even though I knew it was set in stone ever since we attacked them.

'I want you to come on a run later' he added.

I paused not knowing how to answer.

'What you got plans doll?' he said mockingly.

'No, thanks to you. A run where?' I asked curiously.

'Don't worry it won't be to visit your buddies. Just to this office building, Arat checked it out briefly the other day but said it would need back up. So, you in?' he said smirking and bending down almost pulling me in for a hug.

I smiled, looking into his beautiful eyes and said 'depends. Would you be there?'.

He chuckled, saying 'Aw darlin, have you got a soft spot for me?!'.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

'In your dreams. Besides I thought you didn't do that stuff you call 'grunt work'' I said teasingly.

'Well maybe I could be persuaded...ya know, to keep an eye on you' he said jokingly.

I scoffed 'ha! I don't need your protection, we both know that. But fine, it'll be nice to not be a prisoner anymore'.

'You're one of us now doll, but don't go making eyes at the boss' he said smirking and strutting out of the meeting room, leaving me speechless.

Later that day...

A couple hours later, Dwight knocked on my door and told me it was time to go.

I felt strangely nervous yet excited.

I hadn't been outside the compound in months and finally I could go out and kill something again.

Trust me, small victories.

Plus, when I went down to the armoury I got my gun back with my engraving M.C. on the handle plus my two machetes.

I suited up, putting my knives into the holsters on my thighs and the gun in my waist band.

I packed my bag but left my bow behind, thinking I wouldn't need it.

Boy, was I wrong.

As I stepped outside to see the group chatting away and Negan leaning against the truck waiting.

He was looking at Lucille till he looked up and saw me.

His eyes seemed to light up, engulfed in flames as his brown eyes caught a glimpse of the sun.

This was the first time I had my weapons back and I felt complete, I was finally not a prisoner but an equal.

But never a Saviour, more like the help.

His eyes widened as a smile rose across his face, revealing his pearly whites.

I smiled back as he audibly said whew! 'Look. At. You!' he said leaning.

'C'mon darlin, hop in' he said opening the front door of the truck.

I looked confused and turned around saying 'but, I mean? Up front? With you?'.

He just nodded 'uh huh'.

I smiled slightly at this, he only ever let his right hand man sit up front but after what went down in the meeting, Simon was more like public enemy number one.

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