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POV: Fendrel

The closer they walked to the Black-Brick Ruins, the more imposing it seemed. A portcullis with somewhat broken bars hung ominously like a row of jagged teeth above the entrance. Two dusk dragons laid on top of the structure, their eyes were the only visible sign of them as their scales blended in with the black stone bricks. The space behind the portcullis was like a never-ending abyss.

One of the dragons atop the building rose and leapt down from his perch. He turned and bounded through the building's opening, letting out a short roar. He disappeared into the darkness before Fendrel could blink. The second dragon leapt down and nodded at Venom.

Fog lowered her head so she and Fendrel were at eye-level. "Have you ever been here before?"

Fendrel felt excitement course through him. "No. Whenever I rescue a dusk dragon, I bring them back right here and leave. I've never seen the inside."

"Actually, you have." Venom ushered Fendrel toward the ruin's opening. "You were here when you were child, but of course you were too young to remember that." He nodded at the other dusk dragon to go in. "The others are waiting."

Fendrel nodded and followed Venom into complete darkness, the others trailing behind wearily. His breath caught. He couldn't see anything. Just when he was about to ask where they were going, a soft golden light illuminated the path ahead of them. The light moved as they moved. Curious at this, Fendrel sped ahead and saw that the light was coming from the speckles of golden scales on Venom's chest.

Venom chuckled, looking at Fendrel. "There's still a lot you don't know about us."

I guess so.

The deeper they went, the more lights appeared. Purples, greens, and golds from the markings of other dusk dragons, lit up the darkness. Matching eyes peered at the approaching group.

"Take down the curtain." Venom's voice boomed.

The sound of two dragons taking off filled the chamber. A large cloth above them rippled and hung by one side and a bright light invaded the area. Fendrel shielded his eyes with his hand.

When his eyes adjusted, he could see the markings on the dusk dragons had dimmed to a faint glow.

In the center of the circular room a pit with ornate markings had been carved deep into the ground. It extended level by level until it was swallowed by darkness.

There were dragons staring up at the top floor as well.

There's so many of them. I thought the fire tribe had the largest population...

Venom spread his wings. "The Liberator and the rest of his companions have arrived as well as some unexpected guests." He walked to the edge of the pit. "I expect that you will treat them with respect. They'll be staying here for a while. If I hear that any of you are being uncourteous to them, there will be consequences. Understood?"

"Yes, noble!" The dragons arched their necks, flung their wings behind them, and slammed their tails on the ground.

"Good. Guide the injured and the weak to the Sanctuaries. Carry them in if you have to." Venom waved over two burly-looking dragons on the side of the cavern. "Keep your eyes on this fire dragon."

The two dusk dragons corralled the ex-rogue who snorted but said nothing.

Venom's eyes swept over the retreating tribe, then rested on Fendrel.

"A while?" Fendrel raised his eyebrows.

"There are topics we must discuss before we continue on our mission." Venom peered at Charles and Cassius. "Especially now that they're here. But besides that, Thea, Oliver, and Birch are waiting for us. And, Fendrel...you do understand what resting is, right?"

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