Air perked up. "That is highly unlikely, for the Hazy Woods at least. We could not find any trace of her or possible captors here on the day of her disappearance. Perhaps a dragon of a different tribe abducted her."

Fendrel nodded. "Do you know where she might have gone had she left?"

"I have no idea. Mist never left the Hazy Woods all the days of her life. If she did leave, that most likely means she does not want to be found." Cloud shook his head. "Which is why I am requesting your help. I know you have taken requests from dragons of every tribe to find those who have gone missing many times. I believe you can do it again for us. So please, Liberator, will you help us find Mist?"

The assembled dragons turned their heads to hear Fendrel's response.

If I agree to help him, I may not be able to track down the hunters for a while. That could prove disastrous, but so could the disappearance of a soon-to-be queen. The hunters haven't been very active lately, anyway. I don't really see why I can't help them with this.

"I can't promise anything, but I will help you." Fendrel's gaze steeled.

Many of the assembled dragons sighed in relief, with the exception of Dusk who studied him. He sniffed the air subtly and cocked his head to the side.

Fendrel avoided his gaze.

"I cannot thank you enough, and when this is all over, you shall be rewarded accordingly." Cloud smiled with all his teeth.

"That won't be necessary." Fendrel gave a nervous laugh, shaking his head.

"I insist. I will not take no for an answer." Cloud peered down at the human.

Fendrel sighed and nodded. "All right."

Cloud looked at the assembly. "Good. Well, if there is nothing else for us to discuss, you are dismissed."

Something came to Fendrel's mind. "Wait, there's something I should mention."

Cloud nodded.

"As you know, I have a past with dragon hunters and there's a chance we may run into them while we search for Mist. We should be alert at all times, especially in secluded locations, that's usually where they lie in wait for lonely dragons."

"Understood." Cloud nodded and the others followed his lead.

"There's also a rogue fire dragon that's been giving me a bit of trouble for a while and he's very determined. Just a warning." Fendrel's eyes shifted between the nobles and the king.

While all dragons had moments where they couldn't ignore their instincts, rogues had no sense of higher intelligence and acted purely out of animalistic desires. This meant an unshakeable prey drive for humans and a danger for dragons who stood to oppose them. They were easy to tell apart from other dragons due to their strange markings that came in colors uncommon to the tribe they were hatched into.

Dusk's frown somehow seemed to deepen.

Oh right, dusk dragons are supposed to take down any rogues they come across. Is he upset that one slipped through his talons?

"Then we may have more to look out for than just Mist. Thank you for this warning, I doubt he will give us much trouble as long as he's alone." Cloud rose from his seat.


Each noble had a private room within the cliffs reserved for them when they visited the Hazy Woods. Ice and Air had gone off to their rooms with their tails dragging heavily, Gem silently left for her room in a more dignified fashion, and Fog and Dusk stayed behind for their own reasons. Fendrel sat on a cliff edge outside the palace. He drank in the serene landscape.

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