
Start from the beginning

"FIGHT ME!" Natsu called out to Kirishima making everyone turn, his own friends facepalming.

"Flamebrain, did you not listen to Lucy? No fighting." The guy known as grey stated in disbelief.

"Shut is popsicle princess!" Natsu called out already walking forward.

"Whatever, you're funeral when you get Lucy kicked into next week!" Grey called out as the others just laughed.

"You know Natsu, can't help but want to challenge the strongest person in the room." The blonde guy commented as the others all nodded in agreement.

Bakugou walked overlooking into the eyes of the pink-haired guy. "Think you can take me on, damn nerd?" his voice was tense as the redhead slipped in the middle.

"Bakubro, remember (f/n) said that I needed to make sure you don't get in trouble and I don't want to be on the other end of her rage." The redhead was pleading with the ash-blonde who at the moment, saw an opportunity to fight the pink-haired prick without insinuating the fight.

"Yeh, well I didn't ask did I? This pink-haired prick asked, and who am I to refuse a death wish!" he was practically foaming at the mouth being held back by Kaminari and Midoriya with Kirishima in the middle.

Shoto just stood to the side "Just let him get this out his system, you know it's for the best and (f/n) will be angry for the whole of an hour." The red and white-haired man commented as Bakugou smirked at the guy.

"See Icyhot gets it!" that made Kirishima move out the way and the other two let go of their friend, walking to the group that was about to watch.

"Well, this is manly!" the white-haired guy commented making Kirishima smirk hardening his fists and smacking them together.

"YEH REAL MANLY!" he called out as the two spikey haired men, with the fiery personalities stared at each other, "Right, you guys ready?" the spikey red-haired man called out as they both nodded baring teeth. "3....2.....1......go" as soon as it left Kirishima's lips Bakugou was quicker than Natsu.

Of course, Katsuki was smart and remembered from the day before that the pink-haired man ate fire, so made a point of just using his explosions to propel him fast at the man catching him off guard. Natsu knew that he had an explosion quirk so was expecting to hit with first, so when super-fast fists punched into his gut, it made him fall back.

"THINK I DON'T REMEMBER YOU EAT FIRE!" the ash-blonde commented making everyone even Natsu's friends look stunned before they heard Natsu laughing his ass off.

"OHHH I'M FIRED UP NOW!" He yelled before the spectators couldn't keep up with the speed of the two fighters, as well as the flashes of fire being thrown around until the room went quiet and the smoke started to clear and both of the men were down on one knee panting and bleeding, unable to move a muscle.

"(f/n)'s gonna kill me!" Kirishima whined at Kaminari who looked at the scene.

"Yep, I feel because we didn't stop him we're dead as well...I'm totally dobbing you in though Todo my man, you said it was a good idea!" the electric blonde commented, making Shoto shiver for a second.

"This (f/n) that tough?" the blonde commented as all the men nodded.

"That woman is one badass, not only that she will make use do the worst chores. She's the kinda woman that would tell the person torturing her to add more pain, as once she is free she was going kick there ass." Kaminari smirked as all the guys nodded.

"Yeh, a woman with pink hair told us what had happened." That made Kirishima sigh as his wife did like to talk.

"Yep, that be my wife and she was right!" looking over the two guys were glaring each other out. "Shoto, (f/n) got her earing in?" he looked at the man with the burn over his eye, who looked at his watch nodding.

"Yep, just in case she needs to leave for the twins." He sighed pressing the button on his watch.

Just finishing your afternoon tea, your communication device in your earring you always wore went off. Once they had saved your life, so out of habit you always wore them. "Everything ok Mitsuki?" you commented answering the signal, as you voice called out in the gym.

"Oh hey, it's Shoto. Ermm Bakugou had an incident." That was all he had to say and you stood up all the women with you heard the conversation.

"I'll go with you," Mina commented terrified her husband didn't stop whatever had happened, meaning he could be in the firing line of the hormonal most likely pregnant woman.

Back in the gym "Shhheee is pissed!" Kaminari smirked at the guys as they wait for the tiny terror of a woman to turn up, to snap the two out of their staring match. 

****Thank you for reading****

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