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After just watching his wife walk away with this friends' wives, he smiles watching the way her hips naturally swayed, wanting nothing more to hold onto them whilst making you scream his name in euphoric pleasure. However, he was lumped with the guys for the day working out, which to him also wasn't a bad day. Even if he wouldn't admit it, he did enjoy spending time with the group, he would say if Deku was there it would be better, but if the green-haired man wasn't there then who would he take his rage out on.

Sure, he called the men names, but he actually held respect for them as they had proven to him on numerous occasions not only how strong they were, but also how they had his back when the shit hit the fan. They were all there the day that you had been kidnapped, working together to get you back into his arms. Of course, the two he trusted the most was Kirishima and Kaminari, even from their first days at U.A, they'd always been there for him. No matter how temperamental he was, he knew the red and blonde hair men would fight in his corner, even if they knew he was in the wrong they would happily call him out.

Getting into gym gear the guys went to work, in a mega training session and luckily the place had a specific gym in a place like ones they had at U.A that looked like an air hanger, so that hero could train their quirks whilst away. Sure they had to share it with another large group that would be arriving later but for the first hour, it was just the hero squad from Japan.

Warming up, the guys did weights laughing and joking, but also competing about who could lift the most, who could squat the most. They were just lads being lads and having fun whilst they worked out.

It wasn't long though till the temperament in the room changed as soon as the group that would be using the facilities arrived and to Bakugou's disgust it was the same pink-haired man and his friends. Looking over, there seemed to be more than them with other than the pink, blonde, blue and three black-haired guys.

This time there was a big guy with blonde hair, a lightning bolt scar down his face, a large guy with white hair and a scar on his face as well. Then a guy with long green hair, and then another wearing what looked like a helmet with what looked like totem pole parts floating around him and lastly there was a younger boy with black messy hair.

Noticing the group Bakugou turned his back to them, as the group he was with gulped "Tch!" was all the ash-blonde said before grabbing the poor target of his rage Deku.

"Woo, Bakubro!" Kirishima knowing that he was going to get his rage out on the green-haired guy, who also knew that this would happen.

"Don't worry about is Kirishima, I've not sparred with Kacchaan in a while." The cute green-haired guy commented whilst, Shoto and Kaminari took a seat to watch the explosion that was about to happen. Katsuki picked Deku as he could keep up, but also the green-haired guy pissed him off.

Sure Kirishima could take any blow that was coming at him, and Bakugou enjoyed sparring with his best bro but right now he was rage blind. The pink-haired asshole that kept taking his wives attention from him, and that his kids seemed to think was cool was in the room.

"Come at me, you shit nerd!" Bakugou yelled as Deku did just that, luckily for them, you would heal any training wounds they got. However, Kirishima knew you were going to be pissed off with just how bad the wounds may get.

Like that there were green flashes and explosions going off as the two rivals sparred but that made the group of guys come over to watch. "He's pretty strong huh?" Natsu commented to Kirishima who glanced at the guy noticing a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.

"Yeh, so is Deku!" the redhead commented as the two stopped to take breath looking a little rough around the edges but nothing more than that, as they had perfectly kept dodging each other's attacks.

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