"What, Momo likes some pretty things and it's not that pricey," he exclaimed, "Do you think a diamond ring is too much?" Chanyeol shook his head, as the door opened up and Haechan came in. "Hide!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol hide behind a counter.

"Oh Haechan," called one of the employees, as he went over there. "I have the necklace you ordered." She pulled out a ruby heart shaped necklace, as Haechan smiled.

"Oh hell no..." whispered Baekhyun, trying to crawl over to him to choke him, as Chanyeol held him back with ease.

"She is going to love it," he said, as the employee wrapped up the gift and he left.

"There is no way in hell he is going to win my Momo's heart," said Baekhyun, getting up and moving to a case. "Excuse me, I want this!" He pointed at a diamond and ruby bracelet with a hefty price tag.

"Oh my god, this is going to be a shit show," mumbled Chanyeol.
Jaemin and Jeongin were looking at some chocolate for Momo, as she love sweets.

"Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?" Jaemin asked Jeongin.

"She loves milk chocolate," he said, as Haechan came in the shop and saw them.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh we are getting some chocolate for Momo," said Jeongin. "What are you doing here?"

"Picking up some chocolate for my mom, Taeyong, and others," he answered. He went to the counter, as they have his order ready. He paid and went back over to the guys. "I will catch you later."

"At least Taeyong will be happy with sweets," said Jaemin, looking at the chocolates. They didn't have any idea Haechan got some chocolate for his crush.
PeachMomo: Thanks for all the amazing Christmas gifts. I love them all.

"But who was your favorite?!?!?!" Baekhyun cried, as he was scrolling through her Twitter. The fan club has send all the gifts and wonder who gave her the best gift. Everyone has asked her to pick the best gift she got.


Thanks Donghyuck for the best gifts ever! The teddy bear, necklace, and chocolates! I love them all! I hope you like mine I gave you

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Thanks Donghyuck for the best gifts ever! The teddy bear, necklace, and chocolates! I love them all! I hope you like mine I gave you. Can't wait for our date.

EXO.Baekhyun: Where is that little shit!!🤬🤬🤬
BTS.Suga: I'm going to bust a cap in his ass!🤬🤬🤬
BTS.Jungkook: I'm marching down to the dorms and hit him with my bat!🤬🤬🤬
NCT.Ten: We are hunting him down as well!🤬🤬🤬
NCT.Doyoung: Not me...😏
NCT.Yuta: I don't fucking care! Haechan is a goner!🤬🤬🤬
NCT.Jaemin: we should have figure he was buying chocolate.🤔
EXO.Baekhyun: I should have won!🤬🤬🤬
SVT.Vernon: You went over the limit we all agree!😡
SVT.Dino: Shame!😡
EXO.Chanyeol: the babies are right. Diamond earrings!
NCT.Ten: well...I can't blame Baekhyun...
NCT.Jaehyun: Ten got her a gold bracelet.😡
NCT.Yuta: Hey! You got her a brand new I-Phone!😡
SVT.Vernon: I just got her a teddy bear. 🥺
SVT.Wonwoo: I got her a new purse
SVT.DK: a Gucci purse I might add.
SVT.Wonwoo: it was better than a DVD of your musical!
SVT.Minghao: I got her a taser from Chenle 😁
NCT.Jaemin: he was wondering where it went.
NCT.Jaehyun: Thank god
NCT.Yuta: agree even thought it was Ten's.
NCT.Ten: I'm busy to fight with you. I'm hunting down Haechan!
EXO.Baekhyun: I'm heading to the Dream's dorm so I can murder him!
SVT.Hoshi: I'm going to NCT U dorm. I heard it is always empty and he could hide there.
"Oh the last gift," she said, as she opened it up. Momo screamed, as everyone at the JYP party look. Momo threw the gift down, as it was a bloody heart in the box. Chan and Sana went to her and look at the box and gasped.

"It's from that stalker," Chan said, as security took the box. Momo was shaking in Sana's arms, as JYP had security to look back at the footage on when the gifts were deliver and who was coming in and out the building.

"We need law enforcement to question everyone!"

I gave you a heart. Will you give me yours? - Momoismywife

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