Surprise #2

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"Doyoung can't do "We Got Married"?" Suga said, as Jaehyun nodded. Momo was set to meet Doyoung to record the first episode, according to fan sites they read.

"There was an accident on set, where a magical sand bag fell from the roof of where they were going to meet. Momo was in the line of fire, as Doyoung pushed her out of the way and it hit him on the head," he told the members. "That's what our manager told us when they brought him home with a ice pack on his head."

"Are you sure Yuta didn't do anything?"

"Hey, I'm crazy for the girl, but I'm not that crazy to eliminate my competition," he said. "Beside Doyoung is our cook in the dorm since Taeyong is on tour and we would starve without him."

"You were ready to choke Haechan when you found out Momo had a crush on him," pointed out Hoshi.

"I'm still going to choke him, as she still has that crush. Yet I don't kill."

"So are they going to cancelled it. That's too bad," said Jungkook. "Now I can work on my stamina to keep up with Momo on her runs." He never want her to see that weak side of him again.

"Actually, they already cast another idol in his place," said Jeongin. "But Momo-noona wont tell me!" He pouted, as he is usually good to get anything out of her.

"We might have to call in the snake," Yoongi said, as he dread to do so. "She knows everything." Minghao browsed through the internet to see if he could find some news.

"Who is her husband going to be?" DK wondered, as everyone was thinking who could be.

"I'm going say someone from Seventeen," Jungkook said, leaning back on his chair. "Why you think they are all back from their tour so early?"

"We are all burned out and taking care of a few sick members," said Wonwoo. "But Mingyu has been secretly as of late."

"Mingyu would be cute with Momo-noona," said Dino, as he was getting glares. "What? He would be a gentlemen to her."

"Or could be a member of Stray Kids," said Yuta. "I always seen that look Lee Know gives to Momo when  we are all at performances."

"Minho does have a crush on her, but it is not him," said Jeongin. "We are getting ready for comeback so no time for the show. They did ask him, but JYP declined any male artists from JYP to do the show. Oh you should have seen his face, he look like JYP ran over his puppy in front of him. He cried for six hours in his room."

"Damn that's harsh. Doyoung was crying for four hours after he came home with a huge lump on his head. Mainly because he had a headache and Chenle and Jisung were being loud," replied Jaehyun.

"Serious question, has any one of you got ask?" Chanyeol asked. "Nobody will be killed but we just want to be prepare for your royal highness President Baekhyun when he hears the news." All of them sighed and shook their heads.

"BitHit doesn't have just do much reality shows anymore," said Jungkook, "Unless it's our own." Yoongi agreed with him and if he had the chance to do the show with Momo, he would do it without hesitation.

"Consider the fact half of us are younger than Momo-noona, they skipped us," said Vernon.

"Wait? Lee Know is younger than Momo and he was asked," said Hoshi, looking at his younger members. "Come clean, were you ask?"

"No." All of the members of Seventeen in the club replied.

"It better not be that pretty boy, Eunwoo," said Jungkook. "He has been popular these days and they would use him to try to boost his ego more. Plus Momo doesn't need that kid."

"Oh that is a good choice," said Jaemin. "I prefer someone older for her like Taemin-hyung from SHINee or Kai-hyung from EXO. Yet they are on tour."

"Thank god for that," said Yoongi. "Super Junior? They would love to have Heechul on there..."

"He already has done it and plus they are too old for her," said Yuta. Everyone was still figuring it out, as Yoongi pulled out his phone and dialed Sana.

"No!" She replied, as he didn't get to speak. "Momo won't tell anyone who her husband will be if that's why you are calling."

"That's all I need to know." He hung up and sighed. "Any luck, Minghao?"

"They have this one under key and lock. I guess after Doyoung's accident, they don't want to leak anything until after the premier, which is two weeks from now."

"Do you think it could be someone from Super M?"

"I doubt it nobody has miss a concert," said Vernon.

"Yet Taeyong-hyung did get a new haircut out of the blue," said Jaemin. "It is also possible they could have flew Momo out there to meet him. Seeing her husband at work you can say."

"Ten would have said something," said Jaehyun, "and Baekhyun too."

"They could be in shock or something," added Dino. "This could make sense why Momo hasn't update her social media in the past few days."

"I don't think it's Taeyong-hyung. Johnny would have throw a fit by now, as Taeyong-hyung doesn't keep secrets from me," said Jaehyun. All the members sighed, as Minghao gave up the search.

"Guess we have to wait for two weeks to find out who it is so we can use our club to threaten the person," said Hoshi.
Two Weeks Later

"Now let's see who is Momo's new husband," Yoongi said, as all the members gathered around the TV at the clubhouse. Ten and Baekhyun were on the way back from tour and will have to miss it.

"It's starting," said Wonwoo.

Momo was in a wedding dress, as she was blindfolded. The staff were helping her to where she had to go. Her husband was dressed up, but his face wasn't showing on camera. Momo finally got there, as they had the new couple facing each other. Momo was nervous, as she was getting married right here right now.

"Okay take off the blindfolds." They slowly took their blindfolds off, as Momo looked at her husband and gasped in sight.

"I didn't expect it would be you," she said, as the camera finally reveal the face of her husband.

All the members were shock at the choice they picked.

"WinWin?!" Jaehyun and Yuta said together.

"Did not see this coming at all," said Minghao.

"Well...this is a shocker," Jungkook said.

"We can't do anything, I mean, look how innocent he is," said Yoongi. "Oh this is going to be so painful to watch."

"So I wonder how Ten and Baekhyun is going to handle the news!"
On the plane

Both of them were sitting in shock to see the couple on the i-Pad in front of them. They never in a million years would have thought it would be WinWin to be paired with Momo.

"Dong Sicheng!!!!" Ten screamed, waking up everyone on the plane. He continued to cussed out in Chinese, as Baekhyun marched to the cockpit, begging them to take them to China right now.

"What is going on?" Mark asked Lucas, who knows Chinese.

"From what I'm getting he saw the premier of "We Got Married" featuring the new couple of Dong Sicheng and Hirai Momo," he said, as he flinched at some of the words. "Hey, Ten calm down! He won't do that to Momo. Oh trust WinWin, he is too innocent to...Ten! Listen! Now that's just rude. Hope he doesn't invite you to meet her later on in the show."

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