Fuck You

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"Bakugou wassup!" Kirishima cheerfully called. He started to jog up him before his eyes fell onto another blonde, one with two messy buns and golden eyes.

"Katsu~ who's that?" she pointed Bakugou rolled his eyes and stuffed his fists deeper in his pocket.

"My shitty roommate," he mumbled as Kirishima slug an arm around him, in which Bakugou sneered.

"Heya! Name's Kirishima! And you?" he said happily while Bakugou shook off his arm, making him laugh. The girl smiled sweetly, but there was something in her eye that unsettled him.

"Toga Himiko! Nice to meet ya!" she said enthusiastically, showing off her fangs. Her face slightly blushed and Kirishima found her cute, though that doesn't mean he's any less gay.

"Woah! You have shark teeth!" She bounced up and down, her uniform scrunching up as she moved in a little closer. Kirishima smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, cool right? For some reason they didn't grow normally," he sighed. Her eyes lit up as her pale face went a little pinker.

"Same with mine! These fang thingies are natural." She smiled, pointing to her small canines. "It's so weird!"

Bakugou watched as the two idiots fell into an easy conversation and he was sure Kirishima was some sort of wizard. No one gets along with people that easily, but here he is to prove him wrong.

"Oh Katsu~! I bought tickets to that amusement park! Do you wanna come with?" she asked, eagerly. Bakugou rolled his eyes and shook his head which made her frown. "Oh c'mon! It'll be fun!"

"You know I don't like crowded places." Bakugou growled, but she didn't seemed dazed. She pouted before she let out a scoff. She turned to a Kirishima that was texting a friend and she placed a hopeful smile on her face.

"What about you Kirishima~!? Can you come?!" The redhead glanced up from his phone surprised before a smile graced his face.

     "When and where?" Her smile lit up the room but the mischief in her eyes still unsettled him.

     "The All Might Amusement Park this Saturday?" Kirishima nodded with an excited smile.

     "I'm down! Is it okay if my other friends come? I'll pay for them!" Her smile widened as she nodded enthusiastically. "Great! I'll see you around! Gotta get to class." He waved goodbye to his new friend and his best friend. He grinned from ear to ear, almost skipping on his way to class.

     This was gonna be fun.


     "You're up to something, aren't you?" Bakugou sneered. There was a reason why he refused. Toga turned around with a crazed expression that really surprised him, who stepped back a little guarded.

     "Why would you think that?" she cooed, stepping a bit closer and running her fingernail up his neck. "He's sweet. I like him."

     "He's also gay, ya dipshit." Her eyes didn't seemed fazed by this but instead, lit up like stars.

     "I know! I saw the way he was looking at you ya know." His eyes widened a bit before glaring.

     "You changed."

     "So did you, exy."


     Kirishima groaned in annoyance as he looked at the empty gel bottle. "Shit."

     Bakugou peeked in the bathroom slightly irritated. "What the fuck now?"

     "I ran out of gellll!" Kirishima whined. Bakugou rolled his eyes and wheeled back to the desk.

     "Put it up then, dumbass. It'll probably won't matter since they have a water park." Kirishima froze and jumped out with a shocked expression.

     "What?! Waterpark?!" Kirishima jumped in circles before grabbing a hair tie from the counter and pulled it in a messy ponytail. Bakugou blushed at the sight and hid his face. "This isn't gonna do then!" He ran into his room and almost 5 seconds later he came out with bright red swimming trunks and crocs along with a white t-shirt and a towel. He quickly texted his friends with a giddy smirk on is face and Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

     "It's just a piss park. No need to get excited over that." Kirishima looked at him offensively.

     "Is there no joy in your heart?!" he pointed accusingly. Bakugou smirked amused.

     "Is water blue?"

     "Yes?" Bakugou rolled his eyes.

     "No, water is not blue, it's just a shitty reflection of the fucking sky dimwit." Kirishima chuckled before scratching his head.

     "Man, I wish you'd come with us. It's gonna be a blast!" Kirishima punched the air before check his phone. "Well they're waiting for me—"

     "Kirishima," Bakugou said, earning the redheads attention. "Be careful around her." The redhead blinked before an easy smile graced his lips.

     "Don't worry man, we'll come back around late so don't wait up for me." Kirishima waved bye and walked out the door. Bakugou furrowed his brows in frustration and uneasiness.

Kirishima POV

     "Let's get this party started!" Kaminari yelled, yanking Sero's hand and dragging him to a ride close by. Mina brought Uraraka so they squealed and ran off to the nearest ice cream stand. Himiko and Kirishima blinked, looking at each other, before laughing at his friends actions.

     "Your friends are really something," she chuckled. He nodded before looking around.

     "What ride should we go to first?" Kirishima said, not noticing the blond girl staring dreamily at him. She took his hand into hers and led the way, giggling as Kirishima followed.

     They rode rollercoasters, drops, and water rides. They bumped into friends and rode together then went separate ways again.

     The sun was setting when Himiko dragged the lively Kirishima to the Ferris Wheel. They sat in a booth, admiring the sunset. Kirishima smiled which cause the girl to look over to him with a small blush and an evil smirk.

     "You know, I wanted to bring Katsu here," she frowned. "But he's just as mean as ever." Kirishima blinked for a moment before realizing she wanted to talk.

     "Yeah, Bakugou's an ass, but he's the coolest guy I've ever met." Toga let a small smile grace her face.

     "We...we used to be together...but I had to move away..."

"Ah, I genuinely liked her. She was nice but she moved away and I broke contact with her."

Kirishima felt a pit in his heart sink.

"Ah, yeah, I remember Bakugou talking about that once," Kirishima mumbled. She turned her head towards him, genuinely surprised. The redhead smiled. "If you want to go out with him again, I'll help in anyway I c—"

"Thank you but..." she softly smiled at him. "I have a feeling he already has his eyes set on someone."


Published December 19 2019
Edited December 17 2022

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