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It doesn't really look like it, but I can kick some serious ass. I've been in martial arts and kickboxing classes since I was seven. I was in as many sporting teams as possible until I graduated from college. Being a 5'9" plus size girl everyone underestimated me, I just have a weakness for chocolate. Besides I wasn't that over weight, just curvy enough.

When I got an offer from my dream job half way across the country in Halifax I had to move and that meant finding a new gym. I had already been to a couple different ones in town but none so far had what I wanted. As I walked into the last gym on my list I could see right away that it was exactly what I was looking for. There was everything I needed for boxing and they also had a classes in martial arts!

I walked in and looked around at the open layout before heading over to the office area. Sitting behind a desk outside a side office sat a very primped 25 year old woman flirting with a guy in gym shorts as he wrapped his hands.

"Hi" I said stopping in front of the desk. The woman ignored me and kept talking to the guy. "Excuse me." I said looking pointedly at her.

With an exaggerated sigh she turned to look at me, "Yes? What can I help you with?" She asked looking me up and down, giving me one of those - Why the hell are you here, in a gym, you wouldn't last a day- sort of looks.

"I'm looking to join a new gym and would like to take a look around yours. Who can I talk to about that?" I asked.

"All of our instructors are busy, you'll have to either wait or come back later." She said with a bored smile.

"Alright, then can you tell me about this place, or do you have booklets, anything with information and prices that I could take a look at?"

"Sorry." With a smug smile she said. "We're fresh out."

The whole time we're having this conversation the guy that she had been flirting with sat on the edge of her desk attempting to wrap his hands properly. He finally stopped and went to put his boxing gloves on before I stopped him.

"You've done that wrong." I said as he walked by.

"I did, did I? And what exactly did I do wrong?" He asked looking at me with a bemused look on his face.

"Well for starters you tied it off too high, it'll get in the way of your glove and keep coming undone." I walked over to him and grabbed his right hand. After unwrapping it half way I quickly and efficiently wrapped it properly showing him what he'd done wrong in the first place. "Huh. Well that explains a lot."

"Now you won't have pain in your palm." I said tying off the end.

"Thanks." He said checking his hand out as he walked away.

As I turned back to the receptionist I heard someone walk up behind me. I turned around and found a man in his late twenties standing there staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you?" I asked, adjusting the strap on my gym bag.

I'd really hopped to get a workout in today, going more than a few days without one drives me a little batty and with the move I haven't had time.

"I was just about to ask you the exact same thing. Susan said that you were looking to join a gym." He said walking past me and grabbing a piece of paper from the aforementioned Susan, who seemed to be the receptionist.

"Yeah, I just moved to town and need a new gym." I said following him.

"Well here's a list of classes that we teach for beginners. I'm sure one of those will suit you perfectly, most are Tuesdays and Thursdays." He said handing the paper over.

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