Max's Last Mission

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Author's note: This is going to be a sad chapter!!!!!

*Jazz's dream*
Well when Max die I was 7, almost 8. Max has black hair with blue highlights and blue eyes. She loved football, she was the one to get Jesus started in it. She love to listen to music and she thought me how to draw and to get make and get away with pranks.

The year was 2006. Me, Alex, Max, and Jesus was kidnap, and once again stuck in this stupid maze.

We all try to stay in a group, which was hard. There was 3 soul-suckers chasing us. Jesus was carrying me and Alex and Max were holding hands ☺️. Max yell "Left Jesus! There is a gap!" It was a small gap in the wall but we all fit in it. Alex ask "Okay anyone got a plan," I rise my hand "No Jazzy we can't throw your fruit-cake bombs at them." "Wo what? YOU HAVE BOMBS ON YOU?!?!?" Jesus ask. He had a really goofy face.

Then a 9 foot tall cyclops found us, with the soul-suckers behind him. We all was frozen in fear. Max snap us out of it by saying "You guys run out of hear, I can take them." Alex was about to tell her no when the cyclops reach in and pull us out of our hiding place.

The cyclops thrown us on the ground all kinds of monsters came around us. We made a circle with are shoulders next to each other, well not mine. I'm not as tall as them 😞. But you get the point. We held up our hands and they start to glow. I shot lighting out of my hands and the others did the same with their powers. Max have powers over air and electricity, Jesus had all fire and lava, Alex had rocks and plants, I have death, plants, air & electricity, water, and fire.

This last for about 5 minutes, then we ran off. We made lots of turns and ran into lots of walls. That hurt a lot too.

We finally found the exit, and it was an elevator. We ran to it with monsters at our feet. We got in it and slam the doors shut. Alex and Jesus held the doors shut to make sure they didn't fly open.

When we got to the top and the doors open we ran out and run into a some medal bars. Well I did anyway, let me tell you it hurt. Alex and Jesus started banging on the medal bars and yelling "Let us out! Let us out now!" I walk over to the medal door and push it open. Me and Max walk in front to the boys on the other side. "Hey how- O it is open. Cool!" Jesus said. Alex walk pass me and rub my head saying "Good job kiddo." Him and Jesus walking in front of me and Max. Max grab my hand and said "I'll get you get out of here alive, I promise."

We walk down a very long hallway and at the end you couldn't believe what we saw, 30 armed soldiers!

We turn around and ran as fast as we could. Jesus was carrying me cause I wasn't fast back then (hey I was only 7 years old!) Alex and Max was behind us. We were head of them by 20 feet, then......




3 gun shots were fire. 1st one Jesus in the lower arm in his left , 2nd one hit Alex in the shoulder, and the last one hit Max in the stomach. Jesus sat me down and pull a gun out of his pants, and stare to shot the armed men. And I have no clue why he had a gun in his pants, Jesus is a strange kid. Alex catch Max with he's good arm me and Jesus started to run faster away from the army. We eventually found the door that lead us outside.

We keep run even though there wasn't anyone following us, well of what I could see. We stop when we got to a hill where we could see the building where the maze was in. Me and Jesus sat down and watch the building and the maze burn. It was very noticeable in the starry night sky.

Jesus broke the silence saying "Alex and Max said they are burning the maze & the building so we can at less try to live a normal life with mom and dad. Would you like that Jazz? We can live in the county, have a big house with a dog, have a pond in the back yard where we can go fishing and swim in it in the summer. I think that could be nice....." I look at him then back at the fire. That would be nice to live in peace, even if it was only for a day. "Can we name the dog Butter, Ham, Bacon, Chicken?" I ask. Jesus laugh and said "Sure what ever you want, but remind me to feed you before you name him."

Then Alex came run up the hill with Max on his right. She was barely holding on and she look too pale. "Max!" Jesus said as Alex lay her on the ground. I kneel down next to Max on her left and told her she was going to be okay, while Jesus and Alex bandage her wound. Max look up at the night sky and said in a small voice "You guys need to get out of here before the solders get here. I'll be -" Jesus cut her of and said "No, no, no! We are not leaving you here to die! Why - why did you let them shot you Max? You could of miss that shot easily!"

"I did it cause if I didn't you and Jazz would be dead!........... It would have went strait throw your's and Jazz's chest and you both would be dead right now!...... So - so listen to me for ones Jesus and Alex...... keep Jazz alive and get out of here........ I want you guys to stay alive, and........ and tell mom and dad I'm sorry and I love them. I love you guys too....... Goodnight."

Max, my sister, my brother's twin, the girl who just took a bullet for me, was gone. She is dead. I look down at Max's lifeless body, her hand wrap around her gun that she most likely use to start the fire. Her blue eyes look up at the sky, but saw no stars or the big shiny full moon. Jesus brush Max's black and blue bangs out of her pale face. I saw my 2 brothers looking at their dead sister with tears on their faces.

Jesus and Alex started fighting about who kill Max. And they did use lots of bad word that shouldn't be us around little kids. I reach for Max neck to cheek her plus, nothing. Nothing at all. "M-Max....." I said trying to hold back a sob. That didn't work, I put my head in my hands and cry. Jesus and Alex keep fighting until the heard me crying. "Jazzy, Jazzy come here it's okay...." Alex and Jesus said. They both came over and hug me. 3 minutes later I felt tears on my shirt, and it was more then my tears.

After a bit we heard the soldiers running up the hill. Alex look at Jesus and said "We-we have to leave now." They both stood up "Come on Jazz." I look up at them and ask "What-what about Max?" Alex had tears forming in his eyes, Jesus said "Jazzy we can't take her bod-" A gun was fire. Jesus grad me and ran, Alex ran next to him holding his shoulder that was still some-what bleeding. I was yelling at Jesus and Alex to get Max and we can't leave her. I watch as Max and they soldiers fade away.......

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