The return of Alex

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I was up against the blue wall. And I don't know why I yell for help, its not luckily anyone will come and help me. Well when you are trap in this kind of maze you just want to get out alive. But there was a soul-sucker trying to eat me. And a soul-sucker is like a ghost like thing that takes your soul and leaves you to die slowly. I'm telling you it is no fun at all.

right as it started to take my soul I hear a voice yell "STAY AWAY FROM MY BRO YOU BUTT!" And it was Jesus. Man i miss so much. As soon as Jesus kill he soul-sucker he look at me with tear fill eyes. I can understand why. I left his family when Max die, and I never thought about Jesus and how it kill him to see his sister/twin die. And Jazz...... Man Jazzy she look up to me, Max, and Jesus. I must of rip her heart out.

Jesus walk up to me and i thought he was going to punch me in the face. But no he just rap his arms around my neck and hug me. Just like old times when his football team won, I didn't care is he was cover in dirt mud, or sweat i bear hug him and Max who play football too. I hug him back, and there it was. A tear on mine and Jesus face. When we split up we look at each other and started to laugh. It truly was great to see Jesus again. "Hey Alex I have something for you" Jesus said as he pull his wallet out. My one question is why does he have his wallet in is PJ pants? O well.

Jesus handed ma a folded piece o paper. I took it and open it. O my god...... It was a picture I took of Max, Jesus, Jazzy,and Mr. & Mrs. Jackson (Max, Jesus,and Jazzy mom and dad). I lean agains he blue wall and slid down it. I cover my mouth with one hand and held the picture with the other. When I sat on the blue tiled floor, I cry. No more like sob for missing Max, my adopted sister, and Jazzy who I felt she was like my own child sometimes. The guilt of leaving her, more tears. What about Mr. & Mrs. Jackson, they must be disappointed in me. The only noise was me sobbing.

Jesus broke the silents and said "They aren't disappointed in you, they love you. And Jazz cry for weeks when you left, and every time I want to give up or quit something, she'll look me in the eye and say 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME MAX DIE SO YOU CAN HAVE A LIFE AND DO THINGS WE COULDN'T DO IN OUR OLD LIFE! ANDIF ALEX AND MAX WHERE HERE THEY'LL SLAP YOU IN THE FACE AND SY SUCK IT UP AND FIGH YOUR WAY THROW IT!' And bro she slap me or you so PLEASE don't do it. And i think Max misses you too. Now lets go find Jazz and get out of his maze cause i swear i hate this place with all my heart!"

We stood up and guess who came and ruin our man time? A soul-sucker. we started to run down the hallway. I guess i should tell you what I look like. Well I have grayish eyes and black hair, i hate the sun so I have no tan :(, and I' m wearing a gray hoody, Levi jeans, and DC sneakers. 2 more soul-suckers came after me and Jesus as we ran more into the maze, closer to more monsters and our deaths....................

AUTHR NOTES: So I have some questions for you awesome peeps!

1: on a scale of 1-10 how do you rate this book (10 means AWESOME)?

2: what types of books do you like?

3: what is your favorite book and/or tv show?

4: what can I do to make its story better?

5: favorite song?

6: favorite movie?


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