We Get a New Member to the Team

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We made lots of left and right turns, but we lost the soul-suckers. I was happy when when we took a brake. My leg was still hurting. When me and Alex sat down, I saw his eyes were puffy and red. "Dude you okay?" I ask him. He didn't look at me but said "I'm sorry I left you guys. Man I'm like the worst brother ever. Was Jazz....... was Jazz crush you know when I left?"

"Ya but she still loves you. And if she saw you she'll hug you to death then slap you in the face. And I'll be on the floor die laughing."

"Wow thanks bro I love you too." We started to laugh. "Hey man where have you-" I heard foot steps. Alex must of heard it to cause he stood up and put his hand on his right side, where his gun is suppose to be at. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "It is okay. The foot steps are to small for a monster."

Around the corner came a little girl with blue eyes and black hair. She look about 7 too.

*New girl not name*

My name is Rose and WHY AM I IN THIS MAZE?!?!?!

There was some kind of dog chasing me, and it was 12 feet tall! When I ran around the corner, I saw 2 guys that look like they could be twins. One was wearing jeans, a gray hoody, and gray eyes and black hair. The other one had a cancer fundraiser T-Shirt, sweat pants, and had black hair and blue eyes.

As I ran pass them the blue eye boy grab me by my waist and pick me up. He ran faster than me and when I look over his shoulder and saw the gray hooded boy attack the 12 feet tall dog. Then we made a turn, the blue eye boy sat me on the ground and look back at his friend. "ALEX!" he yell and ran to his friend who name Alex.

5 minutes later Alex and the blue eye boy came back, and had a few cuts and bruises. The blue eye boy kneel down in front of me. "Hello I'm Jesus, and this is Alex," he pointed at his friend behind him, "we are super humans and you are too. And don't freak out we can help you with our powers and get you out of this maze. Okay, you can trust us." He held his hand out and I realize I was siting on grown. I look each one in the eye then grab his hand. This was going to be wired and interesting.

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