With A Little Help From My Friends

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Harry's POV:

"Harry, I've got your script together for tomorrow's show with Louis Tomlinson, right here." James says walking into my office. "Thanks, James." I smile, taking the script. "Are you excited." He lingers. This makes me smile even wider. Of course I'm excited, it's Louis fucking Tomlinson. "Yes, What has he agreed to?" I ask even though I could obvious look at the script, I'm too lazy at the moment. "Well he said he's up for anything but management has restricted any talk about sexuality which is kind of strange." Harry smirked at this comment. "So we decided on carpool karaoke and also the interview with Taron Egerton, he asked if he could be apart of that since he's a big fan after his role in RocketMan." James continued. Ah yes! Taron, the beautiful beautiful Taron Egerton. "Thanks." I smile and then James leaves.

I'm sat there left thinking about Louis Tomlinson. What am I going to say? Oh god, I'm gonna choke up and embarrass myself. At least I'll have Taron Egerton there for some part of the night. Who am I kidding? I'll choke up around him too. I'm too gay for all these beautiful men, my soul can't handle. I decided on calling Niall to keep my thoughts away.

"Hey, H." He greet. "Niall! What are you doing?" I ask even though I can tell he's in the studio. "In the studio." He answers anyways. "What about tomorrow?" I ask "In the studio." He giggles because he just gave the same response. We're both pathetic and I love it. "Aren't you going to release an album soon? Why are you in the studio?" I pout playfully. "Life of a musician, my man." He smiles and set the guitar from his lap onto the floor so he can hold his phone more relaxed.

I sigh. "Well I wanted you to come by the show because Louis fucking Tomlinson is going to be here and I realized I'm too nervous." I explain and I can here is little laugh. "Haven't even met the guy and you're head over heals." Niall says. "Well I can't help that he's the definition of sunshine." I throw my free hand up in defense. He just laughs at this, always laughing. "Louis fucking Tomlinson." He sighs. Now I'm laughing, it's become and inside joke between us to call him that fully. "Louis fucking Tomlinson." I sigh back and it causes us to erupt into laughter once again.

"Fine I'll be there, bye." He groans with a smile and then hangs up before I can thank him. Rude but yay!

It's the next day, late morning and Niall is currently at my house going on about this girl he had met last night after drinks at the bar. "You're an alcoholic." Is all I say, being a smart ass. "Am not! I'm just Irish! Plus you're jealous you can't keep up with me when we go out." He crosses his arms against his chest like a little kid. "Well did you at least get her number?" I ask, pouting myself a cup of orange juice. "I did! And we've been talking all morning but she's at work now." He pouts on the kitchen stool. "Well you're rich and famous, she doesn't need to work anymore!" I smile, knowing you should never give up your life that fast for some famous Irish dude. Well, if it's Niall.

"Whatever, how are you feeling about meeting Louis today?" He asks and puts his elbows on the counter and his hands cup his face like a cupcake. I can only imagine he's kicking his legs behind the counter like a little gossip queen. "I'm pretending to be cool so maybe I'll convince myself that I am by the time I come face to face with him." I sip my orange juice. "But you're not cool. You're a cute little quirky Harry, who likes wearing silk pajama sets." He laughs pointing to my current outfit. "There's nothing wrong with pink silk pajama sets." I pout. This just makes him laugh even more.

Niall and I are in my dressing room together as I get ready. I'm wearing a grey suit with a baby blue button up underneath, black belt and black Gucci shoes, and to tie it all together I have matching baby blue socks that peak from behind my trousers, except they have white polka dots on them. "Wow really spiced things up with those socks, H." Niall points out. I just roll my eyes as one of the girls fixes my hair.

James walks in calmly. "Hey, Harry! Taron is here." He smiles and in walks Taron Egerton. "Hey, man!" He smiles and I shake his hand. "You look amazing, about to outshine me, huh?" I joke with him. "We're kind of matching if you ask me." He responds jokingly too. He's kind of right though because he has a baby blue suit on with a black belt and black shoes. Though his shoes aren't Gucci and his shirt is plain white. "Look at us! Who would've thought?" I laugh. "Not me!" He says.

By this time James was gone and Taron joined Niall for some conversation, mostly about Elton John because let's be honest... that man is Eltons little pet. I can't blame him though, if I became friends with Elton I'd follow him everywhere too but he's lucky enough to have connected with him through playing the role of Elton.

15 minutes pass and I'm now getting makeup thrown on me. James comes in the dressing room again, this time frantic. "He's here! Louis fucking Tomlinson is here!" He pants between his words, catching his breath. I jump up and I'm quickly pushed back down by my makeup artist. "Oh fuck!" I say and I can see Taron a bit confused on why we're so frantic. While on the other hand, Nialls just laughing his balls off.

Then I see him in the mirror, slowly walking into the dressing room.

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