Chapter 84

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Zhang Qiucheng murmured lightly, "I only need the position of Commander of the Guard, and I want the appointment documents now." Their present way of life was too chaotic, and gold that might come later was not as useful as copper that he could have in his hand right away. They could figure out the future later. It wasn't as if everything was set in stone; it was better to get a position first. As long as he could enter City B, he was not worried that he wouldn't be able to make a name for himself.

Bai Jing nodded, then glanced around before calmly shifting his gaze back to Zhang Qiucheng, refusing to move or speak.

Zhang Qiucheng frowned, then revealed a flash of sudden realization. He apologized without any trace of sincerity, "Look at me, I almost forgot." He glanced at Chu Yi, "Go and get the telegraph machine installed."

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The corner of Bai Jing's lips twitched, and he spoke in a tone of praise, "Mr. Zhang's base is truly very clean and tidy."

Zhang Qiucheng laughed and spoke modestly, "Thank you very much for your praise, Young Master Jing. My brothers are quick about making a move, which makes me very satisfied."

"Oh? In my opinion, it should be Mr. Zhang who is well-informed. Gee, your base is really poor and pitiful. You're the leader, but you don't even have a chair."

"Isn't this because we knew that distinguished guests were coming? I naturally had to give some things up for your sake."

"But with regards to Mr. Zhang's face, people like us are truly unable to keep up." Xiao Sa patted Bai Jing on the shoulder lightly. Although he did not understand why Little Jing wanted this man to go to City B, he actually agreed with this proposal. For people like Zhang Qiucheng, if they could not kill him, it would be better to interact with them less. As the saying went, shameless people were invincible. It was incredibly difficult to talk to such people.

"Well, that's one of my strengths." Zhang Qiucheng laughed off Xiao Sa's sarcasm completely.

Bai Jing felt his stomach hurt from dealing with this person, and simply stopped talking. Xiao Sa naturally followed in ignoring them. In any case, they had no way to fight, and there was no need to pay any more attention to them. They would have to make haste on their journey after dealing with matters here. Right now, he was only considering whether they should join up with Zhang Qiucheng or not as the danger coefficient would be much smaller if they travelled together.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to give it up. Zhang Qiucheng was a man of uncertain temper, and they did not require any help from outsiders for Yan Gang. It would be better for them to maintain some distance.

Seeing that nobody was paying attention to him, Zhang Qiucheng clapped his hands and said, "Clean everything up." They then watched as the people in the room as well as the ones hidden in the dark instantly emerged.

Bai Jing's eyelids didn't even twitch, and Xiao Sa kept his gaze on Bai Jing. They had already noticed these people earlier, and would not take them seriously even if they came out now.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In the blink of an eye, they could only look on as these people moved here and there within the house, pulling out a pile of bombs from under the table, next to the chair, on the roof, and all kinds of other obscure places outside.

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