"You're the one they call the dog,' Tormund announced with intrigue as the icy winds blew threw his red hair.

"Fuck off," Sandor grumbled as he stopped to tie his shoe lace.

"They told me you were mean. Were you born mean or do you just hate wildlings?"

"I don't give too shits about wildlings. Its fingers I hate!"

"Gingers are beautiful, we are kissed by fire... just like you," Tormund smiled and pointed towards Cleganes face.

"Dont poke your fucking finger at me."  He snapped back and shoved the man out of his way.

After another hour of hard climbing, the finally spotted their first walker.

"You got this?" Jon called out to his men.

"Aye," one shouted back.

"We've got company," Beric suddenly called out from behind the group.

Quickly, the men all looked behind themselves to see an army of over thousand walkers quickly heading towards.

"Runnnn!" Jon called out, as he quickly helped the men with the captive walker before charging further north, but away from the vastly approaching army.

"Stop!" Beric called out as the ground below them began to crackle beneath their feet.

Sandor slowly looked behind and saw the army closing in. "We've gotta move now!"

"Head for that boulder in the middle!" Jon commanded.

Instantly, the men charged as the ice began to crack around them. Sandor could feel his chest burning as he breathed in the freezing cold air, but he never stopped and kept his eyes ahead.

"Their not coming onto the ice!" One of the men called out as they climbed onto the rock.

One by one, the men fell to ground, trying to catch their breath as the dead surrounded the frozen lake. Time seemed to slow down as they remained there, waiting, watching and the men prayed for some sort of miracle.

A few miles south and high in the sky, Daenerys and Tallulah rode onto of Drogon with Viserion following beside them.

"See ahead of us, thousands of them!" Tallulah called out as she struggled to keep hold of the dragon.

"What is that? In the middle of them?"

"Its them! Its Jon and his men! Their stuck! Quickly fly me down and take your dragons, fly them over the dead. Burn them and then come back for us!"

Daenerys nodded and commanded her dragons to fly down low. "Jump now!"

Back on the boulder, Jon and his men had watched in complete awe as the two dragons came swooping down above them.

"Watch out!" Beric called out as one of them flew extremely low and something seemed to fall from a top of it.

"What was that?" One of the men called out.

"Tallulah!" Sandor shouted and climbed over to reach her.

"You guys need some help?" She smiled as she pulled herself up from the ground with the help of Sandor.

"Am I glad to see you," Jon smiled.

"You'll be happier to see this," she smiled back and pointed up at the sky at the exact moment the dragons roared down flames on the dead.

Smashing into the frozen ground and exploding the bodies of the dead in a ball of fire, the men and Tallulah watched as the dragons came back to take a second shot.

"Keep close, form a circle. They might try to charge!" Jon ordered the men as Sandor tried to push Tallulah into the safety of the middle.

"And let you have all the fun?" She scoffed and pushed herself to his side, just as ready to fight as any of the men.

"Their coming!" Tormund called out.

"Prepare to fight. Daenarys won't be able to land the dragons if they overrun the lake!"

"We can't kill them all!" One of the men cried.

"You don't have too." Tallulah announced and went to step off the boulder.

"You lost your mind woman!" Sandor growled and grabbed her arm.

"A long time ago," she smiled and quickly pulled back from him before hopping down onto the ice.

Sandor watched speechlessly as she stepped onto the frozen lake and then walked out towards the incoming hoard of the dead.

"Lord of light see us through," Beric whispered to himself.

Jon and Sandor were still watching Tallulah though as the dragons tried to fly back round for their third shot.

On the ice, Tallulah held out her arms and forced her mind back to when we was being held captive. She imagined all the horrible things they had done to her and the terror she had faced.

"Valar morghulis." She whispered and opened her eyes.

Flames suddenly engulfed her and then exploded outwards. Circling the boulder and the men, but burning anything before them. Sandor had stumbled back when the fire erupted, his fear still present in that moment. Yet, as he stumbled to his knees and looked out, he could not make anything out. Not the dead, not Tallulah, nothing.

As the flames began to die down, sandor could finally see Tallulah. "No," he whispered.

She was lay on the ground, he body still and lifeless. Quickly, he jumped from the boulder, no longer having to worry about the dead army. When he reached her, he picked her body up in his arms and climbed back to the boulder.

"Look, she coming down," Beric called out as the men watch Daenerys and the dragon swoop to the ground and land on the small patch of ice left.

"Hurry!" She shouted.

Quickly, the men all jumped down and began to run towards to the dragon. Two of the northern men jumped up first, followed by Beric and Tormund.

"Pass her here whilst you climb up," Tormund called out to Sandor.

Carefully, Tormund took Tallulahs body and waited for Sandor to climb up. Only Jon was left on the ice now.

"Hurry there still - " Daenerys began to call out to him, but quickly stopped when she saw the night king.

He was holding a large spear in his hand and aiming up at the sky to her other child.

"Noooo!" She screamed and the spear went flying through the air towards him.

"Jon!" Beric shouted.

That last call seemed to gage his attention, and Jon quickly ran for the Drogon as his brother was hit with a spear in the sky.

"We have to go!" Jon called out to Daenerys who was watching her child silently fall from the sky.

"We must hurry!" Beric added.

Daenerys finally seemed to snap from her trance and spoke to Drogon. The dragon then quickly reached out his wings and jumped into the air. As they began to climb, Sandor cradled Tallulahs body close to his.

"Who is she? How did she do that?" Tormund asked.

"I don't know," Sandor sighed and gently moved a strand of hair from her face.

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