Chapter 27

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"Say that again," Daenerys commanded with a look of both confusion and anger.

"I present to you, Tallulah, The Secret Flame, The Heart of Fire and Princesses Who Was Promised." Malan announced, with little to no fear of the Dragon Queens fierce stare.

"The princess who was promised?" She smiled softly to herself.

"Yes, your grace. It is an old prophecy that - " Varys began to explain before she quickly interupted him.

"I know what it means!".

Everyone within the Throne room went silent. Even Tallulah lowered her gaze under fear of her apparent temper.

"So, what does the so called princess who was promised want from me?"

Finally, Tallulah looked up to Daenerys, her purple eyes meeting the queens own. "I wish to return to Westeros. To my friends. I do not wish to challenge anyone's titles or play the game of thrones. I assure you, my only goal is to return the land I belong."

"The land you belong to is also my homeland. It belongs to me, it is my birth right and mine alone. Gone soon will be the days where it is ruled by cruel and careless usupers. My entire life has been planned around my return, around taking back what is mine. Finally, after years of hardship and failures I now have the strength, the power and the Ships to return home,"

"Their are many who have known hardship over the past years... my grace. I myself do not come from the belly of some grand castle. I have bled, fought and starved for my survival, as I am told you have. With that, our common ground, please grant me passage on your ships."

Daenerys slowly raised from her throne and began to descend the steps the separated the two women. She steps were gracefully, as though she floated down them and her eyes never left Tallulahs. When she reached the young woman, a mere few inches separated them as Tallulah could smell the sweetness on her breath and skin.

"Your eyes... there is a familiarity in your eyes. Is there something else you do not tell me."

"I am the daughter of a whore, from the seed of a passing sailor who never cared for me or my mother. I came into this cruel world as nothing, your grace, and despite the following and names they declare upon me now, I'm still just that daughter of a whore who only wishes to go home."

The tension within the room had never been so heavy. Tallulah felt like each breath was harder and harder as the Dragon Queen continued to study her face in silience. Several moments past before a small smile began to break across her face.

"You may have entered the world as nothing, but this cruel world has at least granted you the opportunity to leave as someone. We are two examples of that, I, a runaway princess, long forgotten from the history books, and you, the daughter of a whore. Yet here we both stand, survivors of our own fate and stronger than ever before. I see a strength and fire in your eyes Tallulah, one I can respect and understand. I will therefore grant you passage on my ships... under one condition,"

"Of course... your grace,"

"You have an army of 1000 men, all ready to die for their prophecy. Promise me your loyalty and the loyalty of your armies and I shall give you all I can,"

"Your offer is too kind, your grace. I promise you my loyalty and that of my army."

After the rather intense first meeting, Tallulah and Malan were guided out of the throne room by Varys.

"You promise her your army. Men who are loyal to you, the true princess." Malan spat as they walked down a corridor.

"And you speak out of turn," she snapped back with a quick look over to Varys.

"Perhaps he does, but I fear he is not wrong in his worry. I know you know the truth and now you have thrown away any chance of ever having what is truly yours," Varys added.

"What I want is my home. I want to find the Stark girls and perhaps Sandor. That is all. You must stop assuming I know the truth. Perhaps I have some idea, but the real truth is still very mich hidden, and that is how it will stay. Is that understood?"

"Of course," Varys smiled before disappearing down the corridor and into darkness.

Secret Flames (Sandor Clegane)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz