Chapter 33

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"I offered them a choice!" Daenarys spat as she placed the war room at Drgonstone.

"You killed off the Tarly name. They were a strong family in the Kingdoms," Tallulah sighed

"And they would not trade their honour for their lives,"

"Could they have not taken the black, your show of mercy, it would have given us more time to change their minds. It would have set you apart from the brutality these people have always known,"

"Enough!" Daenarys snapped and slammed her hand down on the table in front of her. "I will not have my decision questioned by some bastard born. You have pledged your loyalty to me, and as you Queen, this was my decision."

The entire room fell silent as everyone in the small council looked down at their feet. Outside, a strong storm was brewing and the sound of the wind and rain sent a chill down Tallulahs spine.

"I never meant to question your judgement. I merely wish to aid you, help you in  your goals," she finally spoke, this time her voice more gentle and soft.

"Very well. I heard our northern guest departed whilst I was away. Who granted this?" Daenarys asked loudly as she turned from Tallulah to look over Tyrion and Varys.

"No one granted it, your grace. I did not know it was needed. They were not our prisoners after all," Tyrion replied.

"But there is still the question of the dead that spoke of. We should discuss this my grace," Tallulah added.

"You cannot be serious. You actually believe this child tale of the living dead and frozen Night Kings?" Daenerys asked back with a mocking tone.

"The Starks are good men, Jon may only be a bastard, but he had Lord Eddard Starks blood running through his veins. The people of the north are not one for fairy tales and ghost stories, so if they believe this to be true, then yes... I also believe them,"

"So what would you have me do? They have already run off? Most likely to seek for help from my enemies."

"It is not a case of us, them and those in the south. Our loyalty, our pledges to one Queen or another makes no difference. If the dead pass Winterfell, there will be no land to rule over. There will be no Cersi, no Jon and forgive me my grace, there will be no you. Just miles and miles of death."

"So they are going South," Daenerys smiled.

"They are travelling north first. They aim to find one of the walkers and capture them. They hope with proof they will be able to prove to Cersi that this threat is real. Perhaps you could travel north, take you dragon, fly over the lands and see them for yourself. From what they said, there are hundreds of thousands of them and growing each day. If that is true, you will be able to spot them from above,"

"And then what?"

"We travel to Kings Landing together. A show of our strength and willing to put differences aside. To call for a truce whilst so we can fight the battle with the dead together. We can not win two wars at once, your grace.  Let us first remove the dead, after that I am sure Cersi will be perfectly happy to go back to killing each other," Tyrion added.

"So you believe this as well?"

"Yes, my grace. I do."

Daenerys began to pace the floor again, seemingly thinking on whether small council had said. "You, you obviously have some close bound with these men. You can join me on my fly over this Great Northern Land."

"Me... on the dragon..m your grace," Tallulah stuttered in shock.

"Yes. You."

Hundreds of miles North, a group of shivering and tired men dragged themselves across the icy planes.

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