Chapter 29

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Tallulah hadn't seen Sandor since they were forced to part after that strange woman found them. The last thing he had said to her was run, and run she had. In panic she had grabbed onto Arya and fled, praying to any god that would listen to keep keep Sandor safe. So much had happened since then, but the gods must have heard her prayers that day, as there he stood before her. On the shoreline of Dragonstone, alive and strong.

He looked older, tired and perhaps a little pale from his journey by sea, but it was still. His dark eyes, still the ones she had looked up into a million times before. She wondered if her own eyes were still the same, perhaps they were dark now too after all the horrors she had faced. Either way, she knew he had recognised her right away, she could feel his stare burning into her body, a look of confusion and perhaps anger. She never could read him.

"You seem to know that man?" Daenerys asked with a curious look.

"In another life." She whispered as a cold wind blew across the shore.

As the group of men slowly made their approach, she finally pulled my eyes away from Sandor and towards Daenarys. On the surface she seemed calmed and in control, but she could see her jaw twitch as they approached and a small bead of sweat slide down the back of her neck.

"The bastare of Winterfell," Tyrion proclaimed as they finally reached us.

"And the dwarve of casterly rock," Jon smile back before reached out to shake his old friends hand.

Tallulah had returned her eyes to Sandor and when their eyes met, he suddenly lurched forward towards her. "Your're alive?!"

Before she could answer, Malan had leapt fourth to stand between the strange man and his Princess. "You approach my princess like that!" He spat.

"It is fine, he is an old friend," Tallulah quickly intervened with an asuring hand on her loyal mans arm.

Slowly, Malan nodded and stepped back to take his place behind her.

"Princess?" Sandor scoffed.

"It's... complicated," she cringed uncomfortably, knowing Daenarys was watching.

"You can say that again," Tyrion laughed. "But for now, let me welcome you all you DragonStone. Please join us inside where we can discuss your arrival and properly introduce you to our Queen."

Tallulah stepped back as Jon approached Daenarys and joined her and Tyrion in the hike back to the castle. Sandor had also lingered behind, his eyes never leaving her face. Once everyone was out of ear shot, leaving only Malan, Sandor and herself on the sandy shore, she finally found the courage to speak.

"I am glad to see you alive,"

Sandor grunted something under his breath and then looked over to Malan.

"It is okay, he is loyal to me and I trust him with my life. Whatever you want to say, you can say with confidence,"

"I ain't sure what to say," he grunted again.

"Aye... same here old friend."

Tallulah found herself smiling now as she looked at him. Something she had not done in a long time. The small gesture seemed to lighten his mood as well, she he relaxed his shoulders and looked at her more gently.

"Can you at least grant me a hug?" She laughed.

A flicker of a smile crossed his face as he quickly stepped forward to pull her into his arms. The moment their bodies touched, she felt as though a lost part of her had finally returned. She was one piece again.

"You talking differently. All royal like... guess that's what happens when you become some princess," he mumbled into the top of her head as he breathed in her scent.

"I'm still that peasant street girl you once knew. Somewhere inside at least, but princess I am not. At least, I can't be with the arrival of the Dragon Queen. Did you see the beasts on your arrival?"

"Aye, the world is certainty changing,"

"There has never been truer words."

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