Chapter 25

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Tallulah had spent the last week facing the usual torture and pain. She had done as Malan and said and tried to put her ego aside and give the madmen what they wanted, but the pain did not stop and slowly her will to carry on died. That night she had dreamt a strange dream of dragons and fire. She had also seen Arya who told her she was going home. None of this made any sense, as she woke up the next day more tired and just a sore. Her morning would not be one of peace either, and after waking up, one of the slaves had some to drag her to the main hall and stand in front of the high priest.

"Who are you? Who were you parents?" The high priest asked loudly.

"I am Tallulah Waters. My father unknown and my mother a simple whore" she called back.

Suddenly, one of the other priest stepped forward and hit her hard across the face with a iron rod. The pain was instantaneous, but she couldn't focus on it. Inside of her a fire of anger had built up. She had given these madmen everything she could, yet still she faced such cruelty. The anger inside of her was burning hot and she could feel the heat all over her body.

"Which God do you follow" the high priest called out again.

"The Lord of Light. The true Lord, the one who does not bring darkness and cruelty to our world, but light and life".

Her comment seemed to catch them all off guard and several of the followers looked around in confusion.

"I follow The Lord Of Light and may he strike you all down. May he rid your darkness from this word with light and fire. May you feel this heat and precise trim this world" she continued, her teeth gritted together as the heat inside of her boiled over and she suddenly fell to the ground.

"I am Tallulah Waters, and I curse you all to death" she roared and this that the heat suddenly burst from her body in a explosion of flames. Her own body was covered in the flames, yet they did not burn her, unlike the others inside the temple. Finding some strength, she rose back up to her feet in a flaming figure and stretched out her arms and released a blast of flames forwards, spreading out ahead of her and burning anything in its way.

The hall was filled with the screams of dying men, and once the last one slowly faded to nothing. Tallulah fell to the ground and the flames disappeared. Gasping for air she looked around and saw all the ash surrounding her. She had no idea what she had just done, and it terrified her. Quickly, a voice inside of her told her to run, so jumping to her feet, she quickly left the dead behind and began running down corridor after corridor.

Even more suspiciously, she saw no one as she ran, until she suddenly ran into something that was as hard as a brick all.

"A girl runs away from herself" a voice spoke out.

Dizzied by her crash, she slowly looked up to see a unknown man stood before her. With his shoulder length hair and grey clock, he casually leant against the wall and cocked his head to the side.

"Who are you?"

"I am no one, but someone needs you more than ever. A wolf has left and tries to make it alone. The wolf will not survive and complete her destiny without the help of a dragon".

Tallulah rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. She knew she was just imagining it all and this figure was just a result from her hitting her head so hard.

"Tallulah?" Another voice suddenly called out.

As she opened her eyes, she saw that the strange man had disappeared and Malan now stood before her.

"The man, the man in the grey cloak. Did you see him?" She asked in a frenzy.

"I saw no other expect you. What is going on?"

"I... I don't know. I was taking the hall and they were questioning me again. I grew angry and a heat built up inside of me. Suddenly flames engulfed the entire room, burning and killing all within it... expect for me".

Malan suddenly dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "My princess".

"What?!" She gasped.

"The promised one. It was not necessary the prince who was promised, but perhaps another. You are that one, you are the Princess who was promised. You bring light to that which is dark. The Flame of Truth".

"No... that's just, that's crazy. I'm Tallulah, a bastard, a daughter of a whore".

"Perhaps once" he smiled.

"This is madness. I need to leave, if they find me..."

"If who find you. You have burnt them all. It is you now that we follow. You will lead the army of the fiery hand and its followers. It is you who will bring light to this world as you have done this temple".

"I need to go home Malan. I need to find Arya Stark and Sandor. I need to help my friends".

"There is word of a dragon Queen in Meereen who has literabyed the city and freed the slaves. It is said she is the true ruler of the seven kingdoms and she plans to return to Westeros. Let us, your army and followers take you to her. Perhaps you will find answers and a route home".

"Fine, but we must leave straight away".

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