Chapter 28

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"I can hardly believe it. The shores of Westeros. I am finally home," Tallulah smiled as she stood on the deck of the main ship and looked out at Dragonstone in the distance.

"We are both home," Daenerys smiled back.

"Do you remember any of it?"

"No, I was hardly a child, an infant truly. The feeling though, it is the feeling of...,"


When the group and their armies reached the shorelines of Dragonstone. Tallulah, silently followed Daenerys up the many steps to the great castle and finally inside its grand walls.

"I have never been such a structure," she gasped as Daenarys walked up the great hall to take her seat on the dragon throne.

"It is... impressive," Tyrion smiled back.

"We have all fought hard for this, for my return to the Kingdom. We do not have time for rest though. I may be back, but the seven kingdoms are still under the rule of a mad usurper Queen. So... shall we begin." Daenarys called out to them.

"We should have taken our chance to leave when we first step foot on the shoreline," Malan whispered in Tallulahs ear.

"We have pledged our loyalty. I will keep me word, as will you, your word to serve me," she hissed back quickly before swiftly walking up to the war table at the far end of the room.

Tyrion and Greyworm were already placing the house pieces on the table. Outlaying which armies held which lands. Tallulah was almost surprised at how little lions there were.

"Cersei controls fewer than half the seven kingdoms. The lords of Westeros despise her," Varys spoke, as though he had read her mind.

"They await for their new Queen, they drink select toasts to my health? People use to tell my brother that sort of thing and he was stupid enough to believe them. If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back he would have taken Kings Landing already,"

"Conquering Westeros will be easy for you, but you're not here to be queen of the ashes. We can take the seven kingdoms without turning it into a slaughter house," tyrion replied

"And you, do you agree with my Hand?" The Queen turned to Tallulah.

"The people of Westeros, the real, hard working, living day to day, people of Westeros are good and simple people. Honestly... they dont care who sits on the throne, it makes little difference to them. What does make a difference is a good and fair Queen though. One that cares about them, from the big houses to the poor slums. As long as they are protected and given a chance to live their lives, they are happy and will follow with loyalty. So yes, Tyrion is right, their would be little point in conquering a city of the dead, or worst, unloyal,"

"If we win the houses and the people, the game will already we won without a need for any blood shed. With the Tyrell and Dornish on our side, we are already almost there."


"You'll need the North as well," Tallulah smiled.

"Well we must write to them."


"Did Lord Varys write north?" Tallulah asked one morning as she and Daenarys took a walk along the shoreline.

"Yes, apparently a bastard born by the name of Jon Snow has been declared by the people as the King in The North. Not ideal, but I am sure when he hears the truth of my return he will bend the knee."

"So he is travelling here?"

"Yes, he should be here by mid day according to Tyrion. You seem awfully curious, do you know this man?"

"I knew his brother, your grace," she replied softly and bowed her head.

"You knew him... how so?"

"I... I - I suppose I loved him for a while, but that was in another life and he is long dead. I hear his bastard brother, Jon, is a good and honest man, said to be more like his father Lord Stark than any of his true born sons... or so I have heard,"

"Well we shall see."

As assured by Tyrion, as the sun reached the mid point in the sky, a ship sailed into the cove. On land, Tallulah stood patiently with Malan, Daenerys and the other members of her council.

Tallulah had to clench her fists to hide her excitement and nervousness. Jon Snow, Arya's half brother was about to be here. She wondered if he knew about his sister, whether Arya had ever found him, perhaps she would even be with him. Her hopes were quickly dashed when Greyworm called out through.

"I count four men."

Anxiety and disappointment flooded Tallulah as she watch the small row boat move onto the shoreline.

"You seem tense?" Malan whispered to her.

"I have reason to be, but I shall - "

She couldn't finish her sentence though, she had just looked up to see the boats hit the shore, to see the men that sat within it, to see his face.


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