"I know."

"I have responsibilities."

"I said I know."

"I'm the Commander of. . ." I falter. "Nothing."

"Then maybe they should be less concerned about you disappearing and more irked by the fact that they no longer have a ship."

We leave the room behind us and don't look back. Arriving at the massive harbor where I had left ARC4, I notice how much my VIPERs have been working while I've been laying around on the job. All the survivors of ARC10 sit in huddled masses around the floor as HMS Valediction's evacuation shuttles drop them off in droves. Olympi's civilians tentatively wrap blankets around our refugee's shoulders and pass bowls of something steaming.

Watching the masses of people interacting, I'm surprised that they're all able to get along.

But I've forgotten. We're all brothers and sisters of the same mother-planet, aren't we? With the way they act and the way we do, I could have been fooled.

"Commander," Coodi marches right up to me, salutes, and resumes her traditional Coodi role. "We've made base in the harbor—ARC4 is closed off to keep their resources secured for their inhabitants. The Olympi's passengers have opened their resources to us unexpectedly."


"Commander. . ." She fishes for words. "What now?"

I feel stupid. There's no answer I can think of. Maybe I didn't understand the question. "What do you mean?"

A door swooshes open. Moyra, battered and a little dazed enters the hangar. She searches frantically and, as soon as her eyes lock on Coodi, she drops her helmet and sprints toward us.

Coodi, in the most un-Coodi-like way I've ever seen, turns as if in a trance. She sprints toward Moyra.

They meet in the middle, locking in an embrace so powerful, it could beget stars. I turn away feeling like their reunion is too private for me to share with them. Hand in hand, they reach me where I stand among my remaining VIPERs.

"So, Commander..." Moyra's gaze wanders the enormous room. "We were due for an upgrade anyway, right? This'll do."

Kai approaches, a few of his civilians and VIPERs behind him. "We could join forces. ARCs ten and four. We have room on our ship and with the capabilities of flying ourselves after Juno had evicted the Meltronians, we stand a chance at making it to NOHA."

"We weren't going to NOHA," I say, poking at my shoulder wound. "We were rerouting."

Kai raises his brow. "Rerouting? You really still think that's a good idea?"

I shrug and wince when pain shoots through my newest stab wound. I should know better by now.

Cambell appears at Kai's side. Coodi, Umpire, and McCroy fill in the empty spots. "Commander Lorn," Kai begins, searching around our circle and confirming that he's on the right track. "You are the highest ranking officer here. Lead us. Whatever route you choose, we'll follow."

I should be surprised at the request, but I'm not.

"Lead us. Tell us where to go, how to save the other ARCs. We'll combine ships and stay aboard the Olympi and make a real community. Hell, with the HMS Valediction as our defense support—"

Moon crosses his arms. "And who the hell agreed to that turd of an arrangement? Nuna? Did you condone that?"

"No, sir. I did not."


"Not that I recall."

Moon turns on Kai. "My ship and my crew have wasted enough time and resources on your floundering attempt at survival. There was no intention of us ever staying this long let alone becoming the personal security detail of the Earth's scraps. We've done enough."

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