Chapter 32

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The Olympi looms from a distance. At first it appears as another star among the field of lights. As we approach, the angular shape forms. It strikes out against the rest in proximity and jagged lines. The enormous mountain is dull from far away, but as we glide closer, the more luminescent it becomes.

None of us say a thing as we speed toward it. When we're close enough for their comms to reach our receivers, we slow to a crawl. I grip my controls and watch Ledi—as Umpire now instead of Dean—do the same. His massive hands hold his controls tight.

My communication line buzzes. "This is the Olympi dock zero-zero-three. You are approaching Olympi airspace. State your purpose."

"Hello Olympi dock zero-zero-three. This is Commander Janika Lorn of ARC10. I have a present for Juno."

The line fizzes as we wait for a response. "Speak plainly, Commander Lorn. What is your purpose?"

I make a big show of my exasperation. "This is Commander Janika Lorn and Specialist Francis Umpire of ARC10 requesting boarding access to the Olympi in order to speak with Empress Juno of the Olympi. I have the prisoner Captain Moon of the HMS Valediction and would like to parlay for an exchange of hostages."

The line dies. No fizz. Not a single noise. The line goes dark as if we'd been cut off for good. Ledi shrugs. We wait.

A sudden, new voice blares through the speakers, startling me. "Commander Lorn, you are issued a warning. You must stay three ships' lengths from the Olympi."

"What the fuck? Why am I being issued a warning. Are you deaf? I. Have. Moon."

"Stand by for boarding."

"What? No!" I squeeze my controls tight. "Why the hell do you need to come all the way—"

Before I can finish my statement, two drop ships speed away from the Olympi like fireflies at the base of a hill. At lightning speed, they reach our airspace and drift about menacingly, halting inches from my airlock.

I brace myself.

In cream and gold-threaded suits, four guards exit their shuttle and push off, drifting into the gravity-less gap between our ships. They grab hold of my shuttle and walk their way to my sealed hatch.

"Remain seated, Commander Lorn."

I raise my hands in surrender. "This is fucking stupid, but fine. Tell Juno I submit. But if this is how she's going to negotiate, she's got some fucking—"

"Do you ever shut up?" Moon's voice softly emits from the button on my fleece that I'd pulled up around my chin. "Just sit there and it will be over soon. Jesus Fucking Christ. You act like you're the one being taken and humiliated in front of an entire colony of people."

I clamp my mouth shut as I peer over my shoulder at Moon who sits against the wall in one of my drop seats. He's alone in the cabin staring directly ahead as if he hadn't said anything. Beyond him, the shadows of the embarking soldiers appear in the porthole of my airlock.

I unbuckle myself from my seat and throw off the restraints.

Four men, enormous men, burly men in tight ivory suits enter. Their heavy boots clunk around my floor. They each scan the contents of my ship, their observations rolling over my drop seats, my hammock hanging from one end of the shuttle to the trash I hadn't bothered to clean. And there, in the middle of the chaos, sits Moon with his hands together.

"Captain Moon?" The closest soldier faces him. In his bubble, I see a snarl of disgust flash across his face.

"What?" Moon snaps.

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