07 | Men like surprises and Gifts too

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Everyone knows that women like to be given gifts and surprises. That's to show a woman you love her, and it's not really about the gifts and surprises - lovely though they may be - it's the gesture that's important. It's the fact that her partner cared enough to think of bringing her some thing to show for it.
So what's wrong with reversing the tradition? Why shouldn't men get to enjoy these thoughtful little gifts too? We also like gifts and surprises too. We like anything that shows us that you were thinking of us and wanted to let us know you love us.
Giving your partner a gift to show you love them is always a good thing to do, even when it's not a birthday or a special occasion. Especially when it's not an occasion. That's what makes it so valuable,the fact that there was no need to do it. It's a free bonus.

YOLO! (You only live once) Make it count! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora