02 | Bitterness helps no one

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So your friend has drifted away from you. Or maybe they chose to distance themselves from you. Or it may be nothing to do with you at all - it's possible they needed to move on from a period in their life that was painful and they just had to make a clean break.
Why been sad or even bitter about it? It's certainly not going to make any difference to your friend, who's not going to know what you're thinking or feeling. And do you enjoy being bitter? It doesn't worth it, it only makes you feel miserable. So what is the point of doing it?
Better to go through life accepting that some friendships are made to last and others will be more fleeting. And some people blow into your life for the short term and leave when they've given you all they can. How wonderful that they were there for short space, and that they chose to give you their friendship for a while. So let go of the bitterness and appreciate ,enjoy every moment with the loyal ones left in your life .

YOLO! (You only live once) Make it count! Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum