
367 18 2



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


I started to slow down, I was now sure no one would be catching up to me now. I looked up at the sky; the sun had almost fully gone down, and the whole forest was drowned in a golden light.

My stomach rumbled loudly and I realized how hungry I really was. Maybe I could set a snare and catch something, but I wouldn't have time for that. I decided to set a snare, and wait overnight.

I pulled the pack of dried meat out of my backpack and pulled a strip of meat out of the pack. I ate it slowly as I set the snare.

After the snare was done, I found a tree to sleep in. I would do the same thing I did last night. I don't really know how long I could survive in this arena, I was already starting to run out of food and water.

I wrapped the rope around my legs just as I had done the night before. Though I had less rope then before, I had used some for the snare.

As I sat in the tree, I took another strip of meat from my backpack. I looked up at the glistening stars in the artificial sky, and the sound of a breeze blowing through the leaves in the tree tops. It seemed like the same as yesterday, almost like the day had just gone in a loop.

I jumped slightly as I heard a cannon go off in the distance, I couldn't remember if that was the only cannon I had heard go off today. I guess I would have to find out when the faces of the dead appeared in the sky.

I wondered if my family missed me at all, if they even had any hope of my winning the games. I knew they didn't, neither did any of my friends. I knew it as well, I was surprised that I had made it past the second day.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the anthem playing, and the Capitol seal appearing in the dark and starry sky.

The anthem stopped and a face appeared in the sky, it was the girl from district 4. I couldn't remember her name. Her face held no emotion in it, almost as if she was already dead. Her family must miss her, would they see her death on tv? Or would they be told by a peacekeeper from the Capitol?

The next face the appeared was Cecelia; the girl from district 8. Her curly auburn hair wrapped around her face like a blanket, she had an expression on her face like she was trying to look intimidating but failed miserably.

The boy from district 12 was next, meaning he was the last tribute to go. I think his name was Peeta, we had talked a few times during training. His shaggy blonde hair and baby blue eyes looked so innocent, almost making him seem younger then he actually was.

Only three tributes had gone this time, meaning there were eleven people in the arena remaining.

I sat in the cold and uncomfortable tree, laying with my thoughts for a while. Then drifted off into a shallow slumber.


I was awoken by something that sounded like whistling. I untied the ropes around my legs frantically, just in case the person saw me and I could at least have a chance of escaping. I looked around the area I was in, searching for the person who had made the noise.

I heard the whistling again, it sounded like it was... above me?

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