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I sighed, my backpack feeling somehow even heavier than usual as I walked down the halls. People had been staring at me lately--I don't know why. Did I do something wrong?

My phone pinged, and I pulled it out on reflex.

"Good morning, Amira."

I didn't have the chance to respond before he sent another message.

"You look really uncomfortable.. Everyone's staring at you because you're beautiful, you know that?"

"That's.. sweet, but I'm pretty sure there's some stupid rumor or something going around about me. Also, stop stalking me in the hallways."

"Well, you looked really upset and uncomfortable. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah? And what would you do? Beat up anyone who looks at me the wrong way?"

"I wish, Amira. I wish."

"I just wanted to follow. Just to know that you're alright.. I don't know, alright? Don't question it."

"I bet you're super flustered right now."

"Me? Flustered? Yeah right."

Sincerely, AnonymousWhere stories live. Discover now