16 | The Boyfriend

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Lisa was disturbed from her deep sleep when Jisoo came rushing to her room waking her up.

"LALISAA! WAKE UP DUMBASS!" Jisoo yelled as she jump around Lisa's bed.

"Mmmm..Sooya stop, i'm sleeping." Lisa said as she covered her face with a pillow.

"Owhhh, come on Lisaa! You gotta get up. We got some news for you." Jisoo sat down and pulled Lisa's arm.

Lisa didn't mind her and continued sleeping.

Chaeyoung suddenly came in with her phone.

"Aye! Tzuyu texted me, she wanted me to come over to their house to help her choose an outfit for her 'unplanned' DATE with her friend Sana." Chaeyoung said with a lazy voice.

"Aish, I know about Sana ok? just..just don't bug me in my sleep ok? She can go on a date." Lisa answered with a sleepy voice.

"Oh and she also said that she will confess everything she feels for Sana." Jisoo said while playing with the hood of her hoodie.

"WHAT?! no no no...what if she gets rejected?! I can't let that happen to her! I gotta be there!" Lisa stood up with a her pajamas on and with her messy hair. She went straight to her closet and chose a simple outfit. She was about to go to the shower but Jisoo blocked her.

"Ah ah ah, where do you think you're going?" She said while she place her hands on her waist.

"Aishh, get out of the way! I gotta be there with her!" Lisa said as she struggle on holding her clothes.

"Yah! Manoban, we just informed you that your sister is going on a date. She doesn't need a chaperon." Chaeyoung said as she stood beside Jisoo with a blank face.

"Yahh!! I'll just be there for her! I can't let her be lonely! What if that girl leaves her huh?!" Lisa replied. The two suddenly got quiet and looked at each other.

An hour later | Tzuyu's Parents House

"So you're telling me that Lisa unnie will accompany me there?" Tzuyu asked while her hair is being fixed by Chaeng.

"Ne, your sister is paranoid. Can't deal with her, so you gotta take her." Jisoo said while laying at Tzuyu's bed.

"Don't worry, I'll stay hidden at your 'date place' and once you are ok, i'll go on and go home. I just wanna make sure you are fine." Lisa said while wiping her glasses.

Tzuyu suddenly smiled. Her sister became caring. She started to become like the old Lisa, but this time, she is more different and kind.

When Lisa got out, Tzuyu didn't waste the time to ask the things that she noticed from Lisa.

"Hey, unnies. Is it just me or does the spell on Lisa unnie is gone?" Tzuyu asked with an innocent face.

"You mean the grumpy grandma curse?" Jisoo nonchalantly replied. It came out naturally, as if she didn't mean asking that question as she scroll through her phone.

"Yah! You two. You know it's a good thing that Lisa is not that cold, grumpy person anymore. I mean she is starting to feel ok right?" Chaeng said to the two.

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