Chapter Thirty Three: Moriah, Part Two

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Sam huffed, annoyed. "So you've had this the whole time and -- and we're just now getting it? Why?"

"Because I haven't? I just made that sucker. Hasn't been fired yet."

"So you don't even know if it works." Castiel's eyes narrowed slightly.

"If I say it'll work, it'll work."

"There's no bullets," Dean noted, picking it up.

"Right, it doesn't exactly use bullets. See, existence is all about balance, right? Dark and light, good and evil, chocolate and peanut butter." Chuck said.

"Ugh, yeah, okay, Chuck. The point, please?" Sam's eyes were a little wider than usual.

"Right. So, this doesn't so much fire bullets as it sends a wave of multi-dimensional energy across a perfectly balanced quantum link between whoever's shooting it and whoever they're shooting at."

Sam, Dean, Castiel and Monica looked between each other, minds blank.

"What?" Monica asked.

Chuck sighed. "Uh, whatever happens to the person you're aiming at also happens to you."

"So you kill him..." Dean clicked the magazine into the gun. "You die."

Monica struggled to swallow. She could feel Castiel tense beside her.

"Right. Yeah. Look, I know it's not perfect, and I'd do it myself, but, you know, if I bite it, then...existence also kind of bites it, so one of you...sorry." Chuck gave a limp shrug.

"I don't understand why we're talking about killing Jack," Castiel said. "Like Monica said, you can fix him. That's why I called you."

Chuck shrugged again. "Yeah, not so much."

"You're God," Monica said again.

Chuck looked at her. "I told you, souls are complicated -- even for me.

Besides, even if I could, would you really want -- I mean, after what he did?"

"Yes!" Monica shouted.

Everyone stared at her.

"I mean--none of us are innocent, but we didn't just go and kill each other after the second mistake. If my brother can be saved--if there is any chance at all--we should take it." Castiel placed his hand on her arm.

"We can bind him. We throw him in the Cage until--"

"Stop, Cass," Dean said firmly. "You heard him. This is the only way."

"And Billie said the only way to defeat Michael was to lock you in a box," Castiel shot back.

Monica, meanwhile, was looking at the gun. Dean had set it down on the table when he started arguing with Cass. She ran her finger over the cold, smooth metal. "There has to be another way," she said softly.

Dean spun on her. "Well, there's not. Now, I know you don't like it, and I don't really care. 'Cause you just heard it from God Himself that this--" he ripped it from her hands-- "is the only thing that can kill Jack, so either get on board, or walk away."

Unable to blink back her tears, Monica fled the room. She ran down the halls and up the stairs before practically lunging out the doors. Her lungs felt empty, her stomach like it was full of rocks. She sat down and pulled her knees to her chest, struggling to breathe.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun to see Castiel and wiped the tears from her cheeks, embarrassed.

Cass kneeled beside her. "I'd ask if you were okay, but it would be a stupid question given the circumstances."

"Maybe Dean's right, though. I mean, Jack did almost cause an apocalypse. He doesn't feel anything anymore. Even if we did lock him in the cage, or try to train him, we don't know that--"

"Stop it." Castiel turned to face her. "Dean is not right. He is grieving. He's angry. To him, Jack is the thing that killed his mom. The thing that might end the world that he's already saved twice. He doesn't see him like we do. But no one is going to kill him. We are not going to let your brother die." He stood up and held out his hand. Monica stood it and rose to her feet, forcing the tremble out of her body.

"What do we do, though?" She asked.

"Now? Now--now we get away."


Author Note: There will be one more part of this episode, I hadn't planned on it being so long. Thanks again for reading this, guys, it means a lot to me!

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