Chapter Twelve: The Spear, Part Two

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Monica thought about praying but decided against it. If God really cared, he wouldn't have thrown her to the wolves.

She knew any minute, the door would bang open and someone would let her out. Then they would get Jack. Then the others would show up with the spear and they would kill Michael.

It would all be okay.

It had to be okay.

Because their stories weren't over yet.

God might not care about them, but he wouldn't let Michaels' monster army take over the world.


After all, why would you let the thing you created get destroyed?
If you had a million other worlds, you might. Monica shook her head and tried to block out the voice in her head. God doesn't have a million worlds, moron, she answered herself.

Just then the door opened and Sam ran in. "Are you okay?" He asked, trying to make sense of the chains.

"I'm fine. Did you get Jack?"

"He's next. Hold still." Sam struggled with the chains for a minute. "Okay. Let's go."

Monica jumped up they ran down the hall. Monica held up her hand and busted the door before Sam had even reached it. They ran inside and Sam untied the rope.

"Monica?" Jack looked for his sister.

"I'm here," she said, kneeling beside him.

"Come on, we have to go," Sam said.

Just then, the door rattled.

"Shh," Sam said.

Monica held up both now-blaring palms, ready and waiting.

They could hear footsteps, getting closer. Sam wielded his knife.

The door opened to reveal what Monica figured was Garth. She had never seen him before.

"Garth?" Sam asked.

Monica's eyes narrowed in concentration. He was a lot...dweebier than she had expected.

"Hey," he said, looking over them all, apparently not noticing Monica. Either that or he just didn't care about the teenage girl standing next to Jack with glowing hands.

"You're okay," Sam breathed.

"Yeah," Garth replied.

Monica thought he seemed entirely too calm, given the situation.

"Great," Sam said. "Let's get out of here."

They bolted through the building as silently as possible before finding an elevator.

Monica had never been on an elevator before, and she enjoyed the experience.

"Alright," Sam said, looking around as they stepped out. "Dean and Cass are almost here, we'll pick up the spear as soon as they get here, we'll regroup and then--"

"Kick Michael's ass," Monica and Jack said together, then looked at each other.

Then Garth bent over and started retching.

"Garth?" Sam asked.

Jack walked up to him and touched his back lightly. Garth whipped around, snarling, with his eyes blazing angel-blue.

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