TJ Bell (Escape The Fate)

Start from the beginning

"I'll give you money if you do" he tries to persuade me.

"I don't know Kevin...".

"I'll give you one hundred dollars" he quickly says before I can hesitate again.

"Alright I guess I'll stay here and watch over him... Though I'm pretty damn sure he wouldn't stay here and watch over me if I was in his position" I point out at as Kevin just lets out a chuckle before leaving me alone with one of my worst enemies.

I let out a exaggerated sigh as I take a seat on the bed with TJ.

I take the time I look at him, and I mean really look at him. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

I have always thought TJ was a ladies man, but I never really started to realize how gorgeous he is until now, watching him sleeping and all peaceful.

I wish it would be this nice to be around him when he's wide awake.

But sadly I know he'll start being the douche he is when those eyes of his land on me.

After thirty minutes of me doing absolutely nothing, I feel the bed start to shift under me, and I start to hear faint groans coming from TJ.

Which means he's starting to wake up. I quickly get off the bed and stand next to him.

It would be really weird if he woke up next to me on a bed.

"Sasha? Is that you?" He groggily asks me as he rubs his eyes.

"Yeah" I say quietly and wait for him to yell at me to get out.

"What are you doing here? And why am I in one of Craig's guest rooms?" He shockingly asks me nicely.

"Umm... Well you sort of blacked out not too long ago. Kevin told me to stay here and watch over you" I explain while playing with the ends of my dark hair.

"And you actually listened and stayed here with me?" He asks clearly not believing me.

"Yup. That's pretty much it" I say looking over at him.

Instead of replying, he just lays there and looks at me up and down, giving me goosebumps for some odd reason.

"Um may I help you?" I nervously laugh and mentally face palm myself for sounding so stupid.

"Sorry, it's just that your so beautiful" TJ tells me like its a normal thing to come out of his mouth, leaving me with my mouth wide open in shock.

"Did you just call me beautiful?" I ask making sure I heard him correctly.

"Yes... Is there a problem with that?".

"No. It's just that... You never called me that before... Your always so rude to me..." I say looking down at my boots.

"Yeah.. I know.. Umm sorry about that".

"Are you sure your still not drunk?" I ask since if he is, then I know why he's being so nice to me. Because he has no fucking idea what's coming out of his mouth.

"I think I might be a little? My head is pounding a bit" he chuckles while holding up a hand to his forehead.

"Maybe that's why" I mutter but TJ manages to hear.

"Maybe that's why what?" He looks over at me.

"Well if your still slightly drunk, then that's probably why your being so nice to me".

"That's not why I'm being so nice to you".

"And you expect me to believe that? Yeah right! TJ you have hated me ever since we were kids! Through all these years that I've known you, you have been nothing but cruel to me!" I tell him raising my voice a bit.

"I swear I'm not just being nice to you because I have alcohol in my system" TJ continues to argue, but I refuse to listen.

"You got me fucked up if you think I'm going to believe that you actually like-" I start to rant again before TJ walks over to me and slams his lips again mine.

For a few seconds I don't kiss back since I'm too shocked to move, but after realizing what's actually happening, I slowly start to move my lips with his.

Our lips stay in contact with each other until he finally breaks away and says "Do you believe me now?".

"You just kissed me to Shut me up" I say, not sure If I'm right or not.

"That's part of why I kissed you, yes. But you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that" TJ says before resting his forehead against mine.

"If you really do like me, then how come you've been nothing but a jerk to me this whole time?" I ask while looking up into his eyes.

"Guess I just didn't want you to find out my true feelings for you" he shrugs his shoulders.

"But why? I don't get it..".

"How many more questions do you have?" He asks laughing.

"Quite a few".

"Well no more questions for the night. My head is starting to pound even more".

"Will you answer my questions tomorrow then?".

"Yes, but for now just come join me in bed yeah?" He flashes me a smile before grabbing my hand, and leading me to the king sized bed.

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