chapter 21; tiny lift and four good looking boys

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Chapter 21 - Tiny Lift and Four Good Looking Boys

"Hermosa! Our first week of work is over!" Andrea exclaimed as she walked into my office. I looked at the time and gasped. I did not even realise that it was already 6:30pm. I smiled at her and stood up. She grinned at me before rushing over to me and pulling me into a hug. 

I hugged my best friend tight as we both started to jump in the office. We stepped back at the same time as we turned to look out the window and admired the view that I looked at multiple times throughout the week. It was already dark but it was still gorgeous because of the other buildings and the cars illuminating the streets up. 

My phone beeped and my smile widened when I saw that it was from Christopher. 

From Christopher:
Hey Nila!
You and Andy free for dinner? 
We've finished recording some songs 

I looked at Andrea and she nodded with a smile.

From me:
Yeah. Where do you wanna meet?

Andrea sat on the seat opposite mine and started spinning on the chair as Christopher sent me an address. I told Andrea and we walked out of my office. We walked past a few people who smiled at us and I smiled back. I knew some of them because throughout the week, there had been one meeting for me to know who I was working with. 

"We are officially done for the week," Andrea said and I nodded. 

"The first time we're done for the week," I added with a smile. She linked our arms as we walked out of the building. We waited for a while before our Uber arrived and we got in. After around twenty minutes, the driver told us that we had arrived and we thanked him before getting out. 

When we got out, we saw the boys standing a cozy looking restaurant. Andrea and I walked over to them. Zabdiel was the first to notice us and he nudged the other boys with a smile on his face. 

"Hey!" Andrea exclaimed and I waved to them with a smile on my face. The boys pulled us into a hug, causing me to laugh a little. Once Zabdiel, Joel, Erick and Richard hugged me, Christopher pulled me into a hug, the tightest hug out of the boys.

"Hey," I said to him and he smiled at me. "Hey."

"Let's go in," Erick said and we nodded. Before I could walk ahead, Christopher tapped me on my shoulder. He held his hand out with a smile and I took it with burning cheeks. His warm hand warmed up my slightly cool one from sitting in an air-conditioned room the entire day. 

"Table for seven please," Joel said to the man and he led us to a table. We walked to the table and took a seat. I sat between Christopher and Joel while Zabdiel, Richard and Erick sat together with Andrea in the middle. 

"I feel like I haven't seen you guys in so long," Andrea said once we have all ordered our food. I nodded in agreement.

"We saw each other almost everyday since you came and the last time we saw you was on Monday. It's already Friday," Christopher, who had still not let go of my hand, said. 

"What have you guys been up to?" Andrea asked them and they told us that they were recording new songs for their upcoming album.

"We're just short of a few songs," Zabdiel said. 

"Once we're done we'll be starting to shoot music videos," Richard said before looking at Andrea and me.

"Actually, Renato told us that you guys could come to set for one of our music videos," he added on and Andrea turned to look at me and winked, causing me to smile. 

We continued chatting and talking until our food arrived. Once we ate, the boys suggested going back to their apartment. Andrea looked at me and I shrugged.

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