Chapter 2: A Panicked Awakening

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Your name is Karkat Vantas, and you cant feel your wings.

Lets backtrack a bit, cause its pretty damn necessary.

Your name is Karkat Vantas, and you are in the middle of one of your favorite dreams.
Or thats what you think, at first.
You're flying over the treetops, feeling the wind in your feathers. You know its a dream because you've never flown before. At least, not that you remember.
Everything looks so beautiful from up here, and for once, you feel like you dont have to worry about hiding your wings, or angering the village elders.
But then something seems to change. You cant tell what it is, but you know it's there. You speed up a bit, but then you realize you're speeding toward the village, and you try to slow down again and land.
But you cant.
You have lost control of this dream-turned-nightmare, and you think you know exactly what is gonna happen- the exact same thing that always happens.
You land in the center of the village, on top of the statue of The Condesce, which you would never even touch if you could help it. You believe in the Sufferer, and him alone, not the Condesce, and not the Messiahs, even though your best friend beleives in them. Creepy murderous cultists, the lot of them.
You watch the crowd, unable to move, like a gargoyle. You watch as torches and pitchforks and rocks are gathered, but not thrown- they would never risk damaging the Condesce's statue. Your dream self decides within a split second to fly away, and all of a sudden, your back and wing are aflame, and you can feel a rock hit your kneecap with a sick CRACK.

And then you wake up.
You wake up to darkness, to a cold cottage, your knee a bit numb, and your wings..
You cant feel them.
You crane your neck painfully to see your wings, and are releived to see then intact.. Mostly. There are burns, and you've lost a lot of feathers, but you dont think anything is broken, thank the Signless.
You take in your condition for a few minutes. Your torso is bandaged, and you can see medical supplies sitting next to the bed you've been set in.
You finally look around, and you are shocked by what you see.
There is a harpy, wings fully exposed, sitting at the table, his head hidden by his arms. His feathers seem to be either dark brown or black, you cant tell in this lighting. You examine his dark, birdlike arms and legs, on full display. Your own are more human, but you do have birk-like fingers and feet. But not as much as this guy. And he keeps them on full display? You dont get it.
You examine your surroundings, a little more focused. Its a basic stone cottage, but just slightly bigger. There's an open ceiling, rafters entirely visible, like your own home..
You really dont wanna go back there.
Not after.. Not after Gamzee betrayed you like that.
You always knew he might lose it once eventually once you got him off of that brain destroying sopor shit, or whatever that juggalo shaman had cooked up for Gamzee.
But that? That was one thing you had never been expecting. You had expected violence, but not a total betrayal like that.
You didnt even realize you had started crying until you were shaking, talons pressing against your biceps in a vain attempt to ground yourself.
Ha. Ground yourself. Such a play on words, right?
You dont notice the harpy sitting at the table stirring slightly, and even if you did, you arent sure you would care.
But that changed pretty quickly once you felt his hand on your shoulder.
You jumped away, staring at the other harpy with wide, watery eyes. You were hyperventilating, and you could feel yourself struggling for oxygen.
The guy raised his hands, backing away a step. "Woah, calm down! You're gonna hurt yourself even worse, man!"
You didnt listen, pressing again the wall and wincing at the pressure on your wounds.
He backed a bit further away, glancing around frantically, and then spoke again, his voice worried. "Okay dude, im gonna drink some water and wash my hands, alright? Just gonna let you.. Try to calm down, i guess." He turned his back on you hesitantly and returned to the table, picking up a jug of water and pouring it into a nearby cup. He chugged a few glasses of water, and all within 30 seconds. Either he was a fast drinker or he was just really thirsty. Or maybe both.
He turned to a water pump, thoroughly washing his hands with a bar of soap, which you could actually smell, despite your snotty nose- the scent of apple-cinnamon.
By the time he's finished, you've calmed down enough that you were just a bit hiccupy, and when he turns around he has this tired look on his face.
He grabs a flint and steel, easily lighting a candle and picking it up, lighting a few more around the bed and sufficiently lighting the area, then moving to a fireplace across the room and lighting it.
With the new lighting, you can see his features a bit better: dark feathers, the bird-like hands and feet appearing to be black. His hair appears blonde, a light sandy color in this lighting. His skin was pretty tan, which told you he spent a lot of time outdoors.
How he was able to do that without getting killed will probably remain a mystery.
And then he speaks.
"So, since you're kinda stuck here until you're healed up, i may as well tell you my name. I'm David, but everyone calls me Dave."

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