Ch.21 ~ Disaster

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Bellas POV

Tonight couldn't have been more perfect.  I ate sandwiches by the ocean with the most amazing person in the world.

" Bella" Jacob said walking back onto the cliff " we have to go... now " there was urgency in his voice.

"Whats going on?" I asked worried

" We have to get you home before they get here"

"They? Jacob who are they?!"

"The Mecheli family...Tyler's family" a look of confusion crossed my face "they were removed awhile back" I could sense he was withholding something from me so I pressed further. 

" How? What did he do?"

" He kidnapped a fellow pack members mate out of jealousy" I couldn't help but be shocked. The thought of being taken from Jake made my heart pound so I couldn't begin to imagine what the mates felt.

" W.. What?"

"and now him and his family have come back, or so we think. Apparently there have been sightings of Tyler. But Bella we really have to get you home and safe"

"What do they want?"

" I'm not sure... Bella! We. Need. To. Go"

Oh god I can see this going horribly wrong. I heard him whisper something along the lines of

" But I promise you, I will find out"

Hey hey hey, how is everyone? I home you all are perfect. So Iv been writing they story out before I post its and there will be two more chapters after this one because I am feeling generous. Even though I should be studying for my bio exam :'( Buuuuut who needs science haha anywho hope you enjoyed. Until next time


lost in the moment (jacob black and bella swan story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now