America crawled over to me and helped me.

I like Americas.

Americas takes care of me.

It's quiet until we get home. I sit up. "Doggies!!"

I fall out of the door and into a leaf pile.

I get up and stumble over to my door and open it. Americas behind me.

I yell "Doggies!!!"

They jump on me and I fall over. I laugh while they lick my face.

I hug them "Babies Puppies!"

I get up, holding Vera. "Americas! This isssmy dog!" I shove her in his face.

He pets her. "What's her name?"


I put her down and pick up Dima and shove her in America face. "AndddDimmaaa!"

He pets Dima.

I put her down, then pick up America.

"Anddyouuuree my Americans!" I giggle and close the door. America curls up against me.

I stumble into the kitchen and put America on the counter. Then I stand still.

"Why are we heres?"

"You carried me here."

I look at the clock. "SlEeps!"

"It's not even dark-"

I grab him and run upstairs, tripping and falling on my face when I get to the top of the stairs.

I sit up.

"Russia, are you okay?"

"No, I'm Russia!"

I carry him to my bed-nest.

I curl up in the nest around him.

"Don't leaves me pleases."


"I don't wants to be an alone."

I pass out.

*+*Next Morning*+*

I wake up alone, like always. My head hurts so badly.

I slowly pull myself out of bed, stumbling slightly while walking to the medicine cabinet.

I grab my water bottle, taking the pills to stop my head form hurting.

I stretch and crack my back.

I start heading downstairs, when I smell some amazing cooking.

But I didn't call anyone.. Unless I did while I was drunk.

I peek into the kitchen. Americas cooking some food.

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