Day 13. I just wanted to hear your voice.

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Brrrrpt. Brrrpt.

It was 2 am. Lances phone rang, the volume was down but it was vibrating so hard it woke Lance up.

Who would be calling at this ungodly time to reach him in the castle?

"Hello?" He mumbled answering it, his voice showed clear annoyance.

He heard a soft sigh on the other side.

"Hey." Said a familiar voice on the other end of the phone.

"Keith." Lance breathes and sat up, now fully awake. "Hey man." He said, his voice tender and soft.

A soft, quiet chuckle came from the other side. "Hey Lance." He says. "You sound tired, did I wake you?" His voice is concerned and Lance melts.

"No- I mean yes but that's fine." Lance hummed. "You called" he says softly, he's relieved and ecstatic. Finally, a call. He had been waiting for 4 days, 3 hours and 15 minutes. (He has set a timer each time).

"Yeah, sorry about that." Keith says with a huffy laughter, lance can just see that he's rubbing his neck.

"I don't have long. Max five minutes." Keith continued.

Lances smile falls slightly. "Oh." He breaths out. "You said you'd call when you had more time than 20 minutes." Lance says, his hopes falling. He had hoped that Keith would say he was coming back soon.

"Ah- sorry, I have to finish this one mission so maybe a week. I'll call you when I can but they won't be long." Keith said, his voice was softer and Lance could tell he was saddened and disappointed by it too.

"Why'd you call then?" Lance asks curiously.

"Oh, well to tell you what I just did, but that wasn't the first reason." Keith says a little nervously.

"What was the first reason?" Lance presses.

"I just wanted to hear your voice." Keith breaths out. His voice is gentle and tender and it makes Lance shudder as well as melt into a puddle of goo.

His heart race quickened and his pulse warmed his face.

"Oh." Was all he squeaked.

"And to tell you I love you, and I can't wait to see you baby." Keith says, his voice is a bit rough and husky and- and Lance is squealing quietly into his pillow. Keith's chuckles could be heard through the phone as lance melted into his sheets.

"I love you too." Lance breaths into the phone once he's calmed down a bit. "And I miss you and I wish you were here and I can't wait till you're back."

Lance could just feel Keith's smile, how happy he was to hear that, through the phone.

"I gotta go. Bye Darling. I love you, get some rest." Keith whispers and Lance softens.

"Night babe." Lance whispered and hung up.

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