Playing Games

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Summer's POV

Ugh. I don't know why I even put up with this shit still. I guess that's what happens when you still got love for someone. It's just so crazy how I got my own house,bought my own car and got a whole ass job AND still I don't get anytime of recognition or attention. I'm bout sick of it.

She's gonna learn to appreciate me sooner or later. I'm gonna be away from her ass living my life to the fullest.

My phone dings breaking me out of my thoughts. I grab my phone off the counter and check it.


You up?

Wow. I'm not even surprised. She always does this and guess who always falls for her little games that's right me.


Just pull up damn

read @12:31am

Rolling my eyes I start to make my way upstairs when there's a knock at my door. Oh this better be her. Opening the door there she stands looking a like a fine ass fool.

She has a champion short sleeve shirt on with a chain to top it off. Oh let's not forget her grey sweatpants that shows that big ole dick of hers whew let me stop.

One thing she can do is lay down some good pipe. Only thing she was ever good for every once in while she wanted to act right.

I step aside and let her ass in my house. We're gonna come to an understanding TONIGHT. Walking into the kitchen she's already in my fridge looking for some shit.

The hell she think this.

"Y/n we need to talk." crossing my arms glaring at her. Closing the fridge leaning against it she raises an eyebrow basically saying continue. Sighing I uncross my arms and walk up to her. "Listen I can't keep doing this with you. I'm not your little toy. You're not finna pick and choose when you wanna fuck with me understood because if not you can get tf ASAP" I say looking up at her.

"Oh is that right. Remember you can't live without this dick. You love me too much to let me go. I always give you my time babygirl duh yo ass just be trippin" smirking slightly she grabs me by the waist pulling me into her front. Leaning down she kisses me roughly.

Not having not today.

Pushing her off me I start walking up stairs. Of course she thinks I'm playing. Shaking my head I go and get everything of hers out my closet that's already pack.

"Yo wtf are you doing put my shit back" she says behind me. Turning around I shove her stuff into her chest. " I'm done playing games with you. All I ever ask was you to show me some love like wtf is so hard about giving me some kisses or hugs huh. What's so hard about calling or texting me back when you with your homeboys huh. You never make any effort it's always me so you know what I'm done. Have a nice life Y/n." pushing her out my room with her things I slam my door shut.

Falling back onto my bed I release a shaky breathe. Closing my eyes I hear the front door close and soon hear Y/n pull off.

Welp that was easier than I thought. A huge weight was just lifted off my shoulders. Wow someone could really hold you back without you realizing.

That'll teach her to not fuck around with me. Maybe if she gets her shit together and come back I'll probably give her a chance at being STRICTLY friends. I don't ever wanna be romantically with her again. Ever.

Checking my phone I see she sent me a message.


I'll give you your space now but just know I won't give up on us.


Y/n get your shit together. I'm done playing games.

Stubborn ass. Done messing with her lame ole self. Maybe I'll just focus on me and continue chasing this bag

I get comfortable and snuggle under my covers. Sighing I close my eyes knowing I am and will forever be that bitch.

Damn it's been a good month since I've updated. My bad I've been really busy with work decided to take a couple more months on a break before I put myself in college. Hope you guys enjoyed it! It was kind of weird since I haven't wrote anything in a while.😭

Word Count - 749

Requested by kcalford17

See ya✌🏽

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