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There is nothing like sitting on the roof of the school eating delicious sandwiches while playing handheld video games under the moonlight all by your self. Kind of odd but it's one of the few moments Yui gets a break from the Sakamaki brothers. Not that she doesn't like them, it's just they can be a pain in the but a lot of times. It was clear they were never taught about manners and respect though it might be the result of childhood abuse since Ayato's mother purposefully drowns him for fun. Who knows about the others, but it's clear that some forms of abuse happened in there early years. Sometimes it can be a lot for one person to handle witch is why she sneaks off a lot to be alone. A majority of the time it's just to meditate since it's good for the mind, a hobby she also picked up as a kid while in India with her father.

But today she was feeling more in the mood for saving a town from a moon crashing into it with only three days to spare. She largely blames Lucy for getting her into the Legend of Zelda. "I love you, Forever and ever and ever" someone spoke up, catching Yui's attention. Curious, she got up and looked around ill she spotted a familiar perverted vampire. "I love you despite my self, whether you want me to or not. I never have forgotten you" he went on. "Your memory haunts me every moment. I remember the sound of your voice, your intoxicating scent. I remember everything"

His arms seemed to wrap around himself and he looked like he was lost like he's imagining this person is right there and he's hugging and kissing her. "Who's there I can hear you breathing!" he suddenly called out looking very irritated. Yui freaks out and hid behind a brick wall, praying Laito didn't see him only to find herself face to face with the vampire. "Why if it isn't B-chan" he smiled mischievously. "Don't you know that eavesdropping isn't polite. "Say's the guy that likes to drop in when I'm changing," Yui thought sarcastically, but she wasn't in the mood to argue with him on that. "Sorry about that, usually there's no one up here around break time" she apologised. "But I believe you overhear something, you did didn't you" Laito continued. "Just you spouting out some beautiful love poetries" Yui confessed, the part that it was beautiful. "Is that how you pick up girls or something?"

Laito couldn't help but laugh a little "How bout I write you one and you can find out for yourself" he grinned as he cornered her agents the wall. This made the poor girl gulp nervously. " No thank you, that will not be necessary," she said nervously. " Oh don't be shy, I don't bite...much" Laito giggled as he held her chin up to him. "Besides you still need to be punished for eavesdropping on me" "Oh no don't tell me you're into BDSM" Yui blurted out, making Laito laugh. "My my, don't you have a perverted mind" the vampire teased. "I think anyone would after living with you" Yui pointed out, making Laito laugh even more. "Oh man, this is what I love about you B-chan" he then confessed.

"Pardon?" Yui asked a little confused. "You have a great sense of humour and you're not afraid to speak your mind, especially around Reiji" Laito began. "It's so fun seeing that guy get flustered over your interference and backtalk" He then scooped Yui into his arms causing her to squeak in surprise. "Not to mention you so cute I could just eat you all up" the pervert being to glare at Yui's neck with thirst in his eyes. "You know what, I think I will"

With one hand he began to unravel Yui's bow tie around her neck. "Hold on a moment Casanova" Yui protested. "Ahh...someone being shy" Laito teased. "No just don't trust you" she glared all the while undoing her buttons to revealing her neck to the pervert. "Ahh, why stop at the neck?" Laito playfully complained. "Sorry, your only getting my neck," Yui said while sticking out her tongue to him. Big mistake as an evil grin grew on his face, Grinch style. "I love a woman that plays hard to get," he said just before bitting Yui's neck and drinking her sweet blood. Yui could do nothing but hold on to his shoulders through the pain witch thank heavens didn't last long. But she still had to try her hardest to not show that all these blood-drinking was becoming a little more enjoyable and pleasurable for her. She did not want to give the pervert vampire any ideas. Thank God almighty she was saved by the school bell.

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