The Unusual Sacrificial Bride

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Yui Komori sat quietly in the limo as the seed car was driving along the countryside of Japan with the sun setting over the horizon, displaying beautiful colors of orange, and hints of pink and purple here and there. Normally, Yui would be looking outside admiring the scenery and taking a few pics on her phone, but today she wasn't in the mood. Half because her father died last week in an accident on the road. She was lucky that she got out of that alive, but her beloved father wasn't so lucky. She can still his bloody lip body dangling from the hood of the car as the paramedics got him out and took him away. With no other relatives to take care of me, I was sent to an orphanage that's more like a prison.

A week later though I was adopted, just like that to this strange man named Karlheinz. He's the other reason why I'm not too happy right now. Last I checked it takes months before the adoption papers go though, and this man, Karlheinz is actually a vampire. Normally, Yui is cool with vampires since she has one as a BFF, but something about this vampire didn't sit right with her. Particularly the way he looked at her and at one point called her "Eve" for some reason. Now she's being sent to live with his six sons for some reason.

Despite the interesting situation she's in, Yui decided to try and make the most out of these lemons god decided to throw at her. Who knows, perhaps this new life she's driving to is a blessing in disguise. As hr father wold always says

"Sometimes when bad things happen to us, God has a way turning it around and we come out of it stronger, if we have faith in him and his son".

Yui will surely miss her father's words of wisdom.

"Please let this work God" she silently prays "Whatever happens to me next, help me through it and come out a better person"

Just as she finished her prayer, Yui spotted a mansion up ahead and rolled down the window to take a better look. It was pretty large and has red roses surrounding it and a large garden filled with roses of all colors, trees, and a large lake in the far back.

"My new home certainly looks beautiful" she mused, watching the mansion as the limo drove closer and closer till it reached the gate and stopped in the front lawn a yard away from a beautiful fountain.

Yui for a moment just stares at the mansion, wondering what Karlheinz's sins were like. And for a moment wondered if they were cute. Motivated, Yui got out of the car and gathered her suitcase, duffel bag, and her favourite guitar with the limo drivers help. As soon as all of Yui's stuff was out, the limo driver wished Yui luck, entered the car and then drove off.

No sooner than the car leaves Yui felt a drop of water fall on her head. She looks up and finds the twilight sky now dark and cloudy, rain was about to fall. Yui quickly ran to the door quickly as the rain began to pour and the thunder roared across the sky. Luckily, the entrance had a roof over it so Yui didn't get wet at all. Nervous, the young blond knocked on the door a few times. The door opened, but no one was there.

"Odd" Yui thought as she entered the large entrance hall with a beautiful staircase, leading to the second floor, and a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

It certainly was beautiful inside as it is outside, with a hint of creepy.

Upon looking around the entrance hall, Yui spotted someone sleeping on a nearby couch. She walked up and saw a slender pale skinned hot guy with reddish- red colored hair spiked at the ends sleeping like a baby. He wore some kind of black school uniform with the blazer unbuttoned along with the white dress shirt showing his chest, and an untied red tie around his neck.

"Is he one of Karlheinz's son's?" Yui half wondered.

"Uhhh... excuse me, hello" she spoke out, attempting to wake up the sleeping beauty, but he didn't respond.

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