Dante X OC: Opposites Attract

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Dante have always been different. Whether it's his smoky black fur that's contrasts with his 100 white-furred family members, or his obsession with the end of the world, he is unlike any other. And that's okay with him. It made him standout in the big, furry, chaotic mess that is his family. But, it also means that he attracted more attentions, which is something that is a bit of an issue for him. On top of that, they're not positive attentions. Others would make fun or mock him for being the 'black dog' of the dalmatian household. This make socializing with others generally harder for the gothic canine since they tend to not make contact with him. This of course made him more secluded to others, which sometimes worried his parents and siblings. But despite that, his family is always there for him and loved him no matter what, eventhough the Dimitrios would occasionally tease him, they still care about him nonetheless.

Aside from that, though, there are still others who befriended the teen, like Fergus and his gang, Snowball, Roxy, Hansel, even Portia, believe it or not, as well as an american curl named Mike.

Mike is a strange friend for someone like Dante. They are complete opposites. When Dante is all gloomy and dark, Mike is happy and cheerful. He's pessimistic, while the other is optimistic. The dalmatian tends to worry about all the negative outcomes that could happen, while the feline doesn't care about such things and insists on seeing the positive side of everything. Sure, they share somethings in common, like the fact that they both have a big family (even though Mike's family only has about 13 members) and that they're not taken seriously most of the time, their affinity for anime (hey, even goths love animes), and the two loves sausages, but their differences stands out a lot more.

But, despite all of that, the two get along pretty well together. So well, in fact, that it even shocked Dante that someone like Mike is friends with him. Still, he treasured the orange-furred feline as a close companion. Well, you know what they say, opposites attract.

However, over the past few months, the gothic teen has been feeling strange around his best friend. He can't quite put it into words, but whenever they are around each other, he would feel all mushy and warm inside and everytime they touch, he could feel electricity shooting through his veins and his face would burn up. But the reason for all of that is unknown to the dalmatian. At first he thought that he was just sick or something, but after consulting with his mother about it, Delilah only giggled and told her son something that he thought he would never hear in a million years.

"Son, you're fine. You're just in love."

It's been two hours since their conversation. Dante is sitting on a couch in the living room, still trying to digest what his mother had told him. 'I-I'm... in love with... M-Mike?'

"AH! Dante, I... see you?" Dylan exclaimed, surprised and curious as to why his younger brother isn't hiding in the shadows like he usually does. The older brother sat next to the gothic teen and placed a paw on his shoulder. "Hey, Dante, what's wrong?"

"Dylan," the canine started, "can I ask you something?" said dalmatian nodded his head. "How do you know that you're... in... love with... someone?"

"Huh? Why do you wanna know, Dante?" asked Dylan, curious as to why his little brother would asked him such a question. He wondered if he is taking an interest in someone.

"It's just... I have these feelings towards someone... like... I can't get them out of my head." says the dalmatian to his brother, looking away in embarrassment as his cheeks are stained with a bright pink blush.

"Aw, Dante, don't be embarrassed. I felt the same way towards Summer when I first met her. At first I was scared and nervous as well, but I felt a lot better after I confessed my feelings." Dylan reassured his brother, patting him in the back.

"But... what if they don't feel the same way? What if... what if they don't wanna be friends with me anymore?!" Dante began to panicked at the thought of Mike being mad and stop being friends with him.

Just that single thought mada the dalmatian's heart ached and tears began to welled up in his eyes. Why does it feel like... like... like IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD?!

"Woah, woah, calm down, Dante. Calm down." Dylan tried to soothe his panicking younger brother by rubbing small circles on his back.

"Listen, Dante. It's okay. I get it, you're nervous and that's normal." the eldest dalmatian reassured him, looking at him with soft eyes. "Trust me, everything's gonna be just fine. If they're the one for you, then they're the one."

As those words left his lips, Dante did something to the dalmatian that he thought he would never ever do.

He hugged him.

Dylan was stunned by this. He doesn't see Dante as the type to express his emotions in such manner, but feeling his brother's warm body clinging on to him, the nerd couldn't help, but hug him back, trying to hold back tears of happiness.

"Thanks, Dylan. You're the best." at this point, said dalmatian is practically sobbing tears of joy. The two brothers continued hugging until the gothic dalmatian let go.

"Oh, uh, Dylan, how do you feel about... cats?" asked Dante nervously, looking up at his brother.

"Huh? Well, I don't necessarily hate them, but I can't say I like them either. Why?" answered Dylan, his face contorting in confusion as to why his brother would asked him.

"Nothing. Gotta go, bye!"

The gothic teen immediately ran out of the house, leaving an even more confused and stunned Dylan behind as he had never seen Dante ran in his entire life. "Wow."

The dalmatian ran as fast as he could, passing buildings and other people, turning left and right until he reached the park. Once he entered, he is immediately greeted by the sight that made him blush.

The orange-furred feline is curled up in a ball, sleeping peacefully in the middle of a flower bed, looking extremely cute and adorable in Dante's opinion.

Slowly, the dalmatian began to approach his sleeping crush, gathering up all the courage he could muster. With each step he took, the more nervous he became. His heart beats a mile a minute and beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead.

By the time he reached Mike, Dante is practically quivering. He slowly nudge the feline's side, who stirred awake and let out a small, adorable yawn, causing the dalmatian in front of him to blush for what felt like the millionth time today. Mike stretched his body a little and face the gothic teen in front of him, a small smile present in his feature.

"Hey, Dante. Wha-"

Dante cut him off by pressing his lips onto Mike's. He cupped the feline's cheeks with his paws, his face lighting up like a christmas tree. For a split second, the gothic canine feared that he had made a mistake, but feeling the green-eyed male pushing back, Dante is perfectly certain of one thing.

He's now his.

Dante could feel fireworks going off inside his heart. The butterflies in his stomach flutter like crazy as all of the nervousness and doubts he had inside of him is replaced by... happiness

Parting their lips, the two teens smiled, their faces flushed red and both looking deep into each other's orbs, holding only one thing: Love.

"If that's what I'll get when I wake up, I'm gonna sleep more often." giggled the green-eyed feline, wrapping his arms around his newfound mate's neck, the canine doing the same around his waist. "Dylan's gonna be pissed off~"

"Let him. It's not like it's the end of the world."

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