Deepak X OC: A New Student

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Anyone who had seen Deepak when he was still a puppy would have their minds blown when they see him now. The small ying-yang dalmatian had grown into a big, strong and handsome canine, even being taller than his dad. This is due to the fact of his organic diet and healthy lifestyle, as well as constant meditations, not to mention his growth spurt.

Despite his impressive physical stature, he is still the sweet, gentle dog that holds deeply to his pacifist teachings.

Ever since the passing of his teacher, Constantin, Deepak had moved in to the feline's house to fill the position as the teacher of the ways of Guru Meow. Of course the death of his teacher had impacted him greatly, but he'd made a promise to the grey-and-white-furred feline to continue his duty and he's intended to keep that promise. At first it was ruff since the other cats in his class doesn't take kindly to the idea of a dog spreading the words of Guru Meow, but with time, they've learned to accept him.

One day, the brown-eyed dog is meditating next to the koi pond in Constantin's backyard, a smile gracing his feature. The winds move graciously, caressing his black-and-white fur, the calm movement of the water, and the gentle motions of the tree gave the surroundings a sense of calmness. Deepak is lost in his own world of serenity and peace until the sound of crashing abruptly pulled him out of his trance. At first, he dismissed the noise as just his eldest sister, Dolly, doing one of her stunts.

Even after becoming an adult, she is still as childish as she was back when she was a teen. He guessed he couldn't blame her, after all, he isn't much different. He's already a teen, but he's still acting like his old self. Still easily spooked and easy to burst into tears. Guess old habits die hard as they say.

Before he could return to his task, however, he was surprised by a figure, canine to be exact, bursting in to his property, appearing to be in pain as it clutched its shoulder, blood coming out and trailing down the arm.

"P-Please... help... m-me..." the canine, who appears to be a male cocker spaniel, wheezed out as he struggles to catch his breath. Before Deepak could asked what is happening, a voice called from the front of the house. "Hey, mutt! Where are ya, ya disgusting piece of crap!?"

The ying-yang dog saw the spaniel shaking with fear as he gazed towards the direction the voice. "Don't worry, I'll handle this." Deepak said calmly as he made his way towards the door.

He opened the door to be greeted by three bulldogs, one being slightly bigger than the other two. Just by their smell, Deepak could tell that they're from an alleyway since they smell like garbage.

"Hello, gentlemen, how may I help you?" the dalmatian tried to be polite to them, even though they clearly look like trouble.

"Listen, spotty, have ya seen a cocker spaniel passing by around here?" the tallest one, who Deepak assumed is the leader, asked. He told them that he hadn't seen anything even though there's a freakin' bleeding cocker spaniel laying in his backyard and was about to enter his house, until a clean punch right on the cheek prevented him.

"Listen, idiot, don't lie to us! We know that that abomination came here! Now, tell us where he is or you'll regret it!" the bulldog yelled right in Deepak's face.

The ying-yang dog still tried to be civil with them, not wanting to resort to violence. He told them once again that he hadn't seen anything and kindly asked them to leave, but this only enraged the brown-furred canine even more as he tries to attack Deepak, who swiftly dodge a slash from the bulldog before biting his neck and throwing him 6 feet away from them. This shocked the others as they saw their leader being handled like a rag doll so effortlessly.

"Now, I suggest you three to leave this place before I have to resort to anymore violence." Deepak offered, still keeping a calm demeanor. The three didn't waste any time and ran away with their tails tucked between their legs.

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